On Fridays, we feature five finds selected by local chefs and personalities. This week’s picks come from Vincent Derquenne, chef and co-owner of Bang, Bizou, and The Space. Be on the lookout for pop-up dinners at The Space starting this fall, with food by the dynamic duo: Derquenne and co-owner Tim Burgess. Derquenne’s picks:
1) Ham and Brie Sandwich with Cucumber Salad at Bashir’s. “Get a coke and the sports section and disappear for a half hour.”
2) Glazed Donut at Spudnut’s on Saturday morning. “Way better than the sugar-coated that my son likes. (He’ll grow out of it and realize his father was right all along).”
3) Pistachio Burma with Yogurt at Aromas Cafe. “This is it one of the best balanced desserts I know, especially after Moroccan cuisine.”
4) Pastrami on an Everything Bagel at Bodo’s . “I change options every time so I don’t seem boring, but always on an everything bagel. And of course the cream cheese on a plain bagel that saved me so many times on the way to school. Or back from it! Thanks Bodo’s.
5) An Afternoon at Veritas Vineyard and King Family Vineyards. “You go with friends, get a glass, and enjoy the time together. I easily forget to do it, but when I’m there I always think I should do it more often.”