Best of C-VILLE Services

Best real estate agent 2013: Jamie White

Jamie White

245 Ridge-McIntire Rd., Suite 1

Bob Hughes
126 Garrett St., Suite D

They say that when shopping for a home, you know within 60 seconds of being in a house whether or not you’d feel comfortable living there. That’s O.K. with Jamie White, who will stick with you through multiple home visits until you find just the right spot. In second place, Bob Hughes offers more than 20 years in the business.

What’s Jamie passionate about in Charlottesville?

1. Autumn apple picking on Carter’s Mountain. A great family event! I love that folks drive from all over Virginia to do this.
2. Playing on the swings in McGuffey Park – We live in McGuffey condos and so spending evenings in the park hanging out and playing with my son is the best. He loves the infant swings.
3. UVA Basketball at JPJ Arena. Being able to go and support UVA so easily is nice and for me the best is watching the men’s basketball at JPJ Arena. The closeness to the players and the packed arena with the band and the fans makes for a fun time. Go Hooos!
4. The smell of Spudnuts coffee and donuts. The shop has the greatest smell of warm donuts and the decor in the shop is like going back in time. It’s unchanged since the 1960’s. It’s crazy cheap and yummy!
5. The street performers at Friday’s after 5pm. I just love it when the whole of Charlottesville is on the mall on a Friday and that it’s possible to see so many friends in one place. It’s great to walk up and down the mall and watch the different acts from the homeless guy playing the harmonica to the kids who are always performing their juggling act.

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