Best of C-VILLE Food & Drink

Best winery 2013: King Family Vineyards

King Family Vineyards

6550 Roseland Farm (Crozet)

Veritas Vineyard & Winery
151 Veritas Ln. (Afton)
(540) 456-8000

You know how, at a pig roast, people sometimes say the pig gave its life so that we could eat? Well, for every bottle of wine you drink, approximately 2.8 pounds of grapes gave their lives so you could swish, swirl, and sip. That’s a sacrifice worth noting. King Family Vineyards takes top honors with its 10 wines and Sunday afternoon polo matches. At Veritas, sample a selection of the Afton vineyard’s 14 wines at its picnic-perfect tasting room and grounds.

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