Each week, the news team takes a look at upcoming meetings and events in Charlottesville and Albemarle we think you should know about. Consider it a look into our datebook, and be sure to share newsworthy happenings in the comments section.
- The Charlottesville City Council holds it first regular meeting of November from 7-11pm tonight, Monday, November 4. On the agenda is a resolution finalizing the sale of land for an Elliott Avenue development project spearheaded by Habitat for Humanity, the second reading of the city’s new tree ordinance, a resolution for a $50,000 grant program for an electric vehicle charging network, and the Meadowbrook Flats critical slopes waiver request.
- Tuesday is election day. For ballot information and details on where to vote, visit the State Board of Elections website.
- The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors meets from 9am-2pm Wednesday, November 6. The board will review budget amendments and appropriations and will hold a public hearing on the rezoning of 160 acres held by the Piedmont Environmental Council near the Hickory Ridge development from residential to rural.
- Charlottesville’s Housing Advisory Committee meets from 10:30am-noon Wednesday at the office of Housing Development Specialist Kathy McHugh, 610 E. Market St.
- Region 10 will offer a free workshop on preventing child abuse for parents and educators of children with disabilities. Rachel Thielmann, an educator from Foothills Child Advocacy Center, will lead the talk, which will take place from 6:30-8:30pm Wednesday at Region 10, 500 Old Lynchburg Rd. To RSVP, email brccc@virginia.edu or call 434-924-8685.
- The city’s Bike and Pedestrian Safety Committee meets from 5-7pm Thursday in the Neighborhood Development Services conference room in City Hall.
- Albemarle County holds its third public information meeting on plans for the new Northside Library at 7 p.m. Thursday at the existing library in the Albemarle Square Shopping Center.