The Bridge PAI’s annual Revel, a “rebellious rendition of the non-profit fundraiser,” came to the Ix Project on Saturday, May 3. It was a wild night with street performers, live graffiti and art-making, and a vivacious auction featuring one-of-a-kind experiences, acted out by costumed performers. The auction got competitive with attendees bidding on high-value items like a catered dinner for eight at the McCormick Observatory or a Scotch tasting and scavenger hunt at Daedalus Bookshop. The street party atmosphere was supported by live music, local food trucks, and drink sponsors, and later moved indoors for a DJed dance party.

Yana McLaughlin
Freelance artist, dressed as Virtus from the Virginia State flag
“Tonight is a chance to experiment with collaboration. I’d like the atypical to become more typical around
here if that means more fun, relaxation, and enjoyable productivity for everybody.”

Kelli and Andy Block
After winning big-ticket live auction items like the tech shootout with Zack Worrell

Kate deNeveu and David Murray
Co-owners of Telegraph, which sponsored the evening’s silent auction, featuring prints, paintings, and live art—Amanda Finn