
What’s coming up in Charlottesville-Albemarle the week of May 12?

Each week, the news team takes a look at upcoming meetings and events in Charlottesville and Albemarle we think you should know about. Consider it a look into our datebook, and be sure to share newsworthy happenings in the comments section.

  • Charlottesville will hold a walking tour and presentation on Monticello Avenue’s bike lanes and pedestrian crossings between 3 and 7pm Monday. From 3-4pm, join the walking tour to examine the road between Carlton and 6th, then drop in on an open house between 4-7pm at Clark Elementary School, 1000 Belmont Avenue to examine possible alternatives. A presentation will take place at 6:30pm.
  • The Charlottesville Planning Commission meets from 5:30-7pm Tuesday in Council chambers at City Hall. The agenda includes an entrance corridor review for the Country Inn and Suites at 1600 N. Emmett St.
  • The Albemarle County Planning Commission meets from 6-8pm Tuesday in Lane Auditorium at the County Office Building on McIntire Road. The Commission will address code changes in the wake of the state legislature’s decision to adjust rules governing farm wineries and breweries, as well as adjustments to rules regarding setbacks and yards.
  • The city holds a workshop on the McIntire Skate Park design from 6:30-8pm Tuesday at Carver Recreation Center in the Jefferson School City Center. Weather permitting, those interested may also meet and speak with city officials at the current skate park at 4pm the same day. The meeting will be facilitated by Mike McIntyre and Kanten Russell of ASD, now Stantec, who have been selected to help design the skate park. Russell, a professional skateboarder of 13 years, will also be skating at the park. To provide comments on-line and review concept updates go to, click on the “Client Login” button, and use the following login information: Username, Charlottesville; password, sk8va. For more information, contact Vic Garber, Recreation Division Manager at 434-970-3354 or, visit
  • State Senator Creigh Deeds and Delegate David Toscano will offer a presentation on the 2013 legislative session at the next meeting of the Senior Statesmen of Virginia, 1:30-3pm Wednesday at the Senior Center, Inc., 1180 Pepsi Place.
  • The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors meets from 3-5pm Wednesday in Lane Auditorium at the County Office Building on McIntire Road. AMong the agenda items: a request to extend deadlines for installing permanent vegetation at the Ragged Mountain Dam project. There will also be discussion and possibly action on the Route 29 advisory panel recommendations.
  • From 4-6pm Thursday, Albemarle County will hold a roundtable discussion on its cash proffer policy. From the county: “Concerns have been raised that the existing policy is having unintended and negative impacts. Consequently, the County would like to engage all those interested in the cash proffer policy. At the roundtable the community will be encouraged to discuss any concerns or ideas they may have about the proffer policy. If you are interested in attending the roundtable on May 15, please RSVP to” 

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