
Five Finds on Friday: Jeanette Peabody

On Fridays, we feature five food finds selected by local chefs and personalities. Today’s picks come from Jeanette Peabody, the former Hamiltons’ chef who now runs the kitchen of the new Oakhurst Inn, adjacent to UVA’s South Lawn. The Inn serves breakfast to guests and the general public seven days a week from 7 – 10 am, with coffee service until 2 pm. Parking is extremely limited, so it’s best to walk over for now. Peabody’s picks:

1) Spicy Italian Sausage from Double H Farm. “It’s highly seasoned with lots of fennel and perfectly salted. Packs a serious punch and you can create any meal out of it. I used to buy it from my favorite farmer Richard Bean and thank goodness Ara is carrying on the recipe. You can buy it from him at the City Market.”

2) Eating at the Bar at Hamiltons’. “It’s the best bar service in town. You won’t get treated better by anybody than Daniel Page. Curtis has a real knack for home-made pasta. We’re still dreaming about the gnocchi he and Hannah made for the Hill & Holler dinner at Montalto.”

3) Margaritas at Mono Loco. “Mike Lewis is the consummate comic host. On a whim he will create a new margarita with seasonal ingredients. I like the spicy cucumber.”

4) Red Row cheese from Caromont Farm. “This melty deliciousness made such an impression on me I immediately decided to use it on the baked eggs at Oakhurst Inn. I need to have it close by at all times.”

5) Thai Mussels at Public Fish & Oyster. “I’ve only been there once but it’s my new favorite place for now. You can do an oyster tasting starting with a briny Virginia people-pleaser leading up to a full-flavored Katama Bay. Chef Matty’s Thai Mussels are amazing.”

By Charlottesville29

The Charlottesville 29 is a publication that asks, and answers: if there were just 29 restaurants in Charlottesville, what would be the ideal 29?

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