The Virginia State Bar Disciplinary Board revoked former Albemarle supervisor Christopher Dumler’s license to practice law November 4, the latest fallout from the forcible sodomy charge lodged against him in 2012*, Katy Evans reported in The Daily Progress.
Once a rising star in Albemarle’s Democratic party and the youngest to be elected supervisor, then-27-year-old Dumler pleaded guilty to misdemeanor sexual battery after two other women came forward during the investigation and said they’d experienced similar encounters.
He served weekends in jail in 2013 but refused to step down from representing the Scottsville District after his conviction, and protests became a regular addition to Albemarle Board of Supervisors meetings. Citizens tried to get him removed by petitioning a judge. It was only after that failed that Dumler resigned on June 5, 2013. Shortly after, he left the area, and hasn’t been seen here since.
He signed an affidavit dated September 25 consenting to the bar’s revocation and conceding that the allegations of misconduct against him are true and that he could not successfully defend the disciplinary charges against him. The affidavit, which is posted on the website of the Virginia State Bar, was witnessed and stamped in Khmer, the language in Cambodia, said Andrew Lawrence, a Charlottesville resident who lived in that country for more than two years.

Dumler was already in trouble with the bar for past-due fees and not taking mandatory continuing ed classes. He was a fugitive in Orange County with a bench warrant for not showing up in court. And in July, he was discharged from the U.S. Army Reserves, where he’d served as a captain.
*This story previously said Dumler was charged in early 2013; he was arrested on the sodomy charge in October 2012.