Those opposing the development of an outdoor open-air firing range near the Godalming neighborhood in Greene County may soon be able to celebrate. At the end of September, the Greene County Planning Commission recommended Big Iron Outdoors’ proposal be denied and cited the range’s proximity to the neighborhood as the main precaution.
Godalming resident Carolyn Politis says the Board of Supervisors won’t approve the range if it follows the county’s Comprehensive Plan and ordinances, which recommend not impacting adjoining neighborhoods and the value of adjoining properties.
“If they were to follow that, it would not be approved at that location,” she says, “but that’s not to say it’s not a good idea to have a range in Greene.” After all, her organization of concerned citizens called Greene County Neighbors supports a local gun range if put in a safe location.
The Board of Supervisors will have ultimate say in whether the proposal passes. A public hearing before the board is scheduled for 6:30pm October 13 at William Monroe High School.
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