This month’s issue of Abode is available now. Here’s what you’ll find inside:
- Patricia Kluge’s former Albemarle estate opens to overnighters.
- STOA’s Justin Heiser shares his influences.
- A check-in with designer (and shop owner) Laurie Holladay.
- Why your fireplace doesn’t have to be so plain.
- The oldest home in Albemarle (it’s not exactly livable).
This month’s featured house…

With plenty of design elements left from their city home’s previous owner, Holly and Kevin Davis called in Kathleen Conroy of Kenny Ball Design to meld their own style with the existing one. Conroy had insight—she’d helped the prior homeowner with the design the first time around.
This month’s featured landscape…

For landscape architect Joan Albiston, designing the grounds of this Fluvanna County house meant meeting a few challenges, like how to create defined areas in a large swath of hilltop, or work around a detached garage on the property or even dress up the long walk from guest parking to the house.