
Bad parking, not entitlement, says supe

The photo of Supervisor Rick Randolph’s BMW convertible hogging two spaces popped up on two local media sites today.

“Is this Car-gate?” asks Randolph about the photograph submitted to Scottsville Weekly and the Schilling Show.

Randolph, who represents the Scottsville District on the Albemarle Board of Supervisors, says he was late to a meeting at the Mudhouse at Mill Creek February 17 when he backed in his 15-year-old Beamer. He admits he saw he was taking up two spaces and thought he should move the car, but reasoned he was on the north side where “nobody parks.” And he was late.

“That’s a good excuse,” says Scottsville Weekly editor Bebe Williams.

“It’s the politics of distraction,” says Randolph. Next up on his agenda: the county’s budget.



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