Playing in the Past
Saturday, January 7
Play games with historic interpreters from the Frontier Culture Museum. Free, 3pm. Crozet Library, 2020 Library Ave., Crozet. RSVP to 823-4050.
Twelfth Night concert
Sunday, January 8
The combined choirs of Olivet Presbyterian Church and the Staunton Church of the Brethren perform the sounds of the season. Freewill offering goes to Blue Ridge Area Food Bank. 7-9pm. Staunton Church of the Brethren, 1615 N. Coalter St., Staunton.
Cooking class
Tuesday, January 10
This cooking class pays tribute to the late Michel Richard, of Citronelle and Central in Washington, D.C., by featuring his recipes. $68, 7pm. Mona Lisa Pasta, 921 Preston Ave. RSVP to 295-2494.
West Coast swing
Tuesday, January 10
The West Coast swing dance style —a modern-day swing—can be performed to rock, jazz and R&B songs. Tuesday night beginner classes run through February 14. $59, 6-7:30pm. Murray High School, 1200 Forest St. apm.activecommunities. com