Tour the Paramount Theater
Saturday, January 14
Enjoy a backstage tour of the Paramount Theater, and learn about its construction and architecture, as well as details of its two-year-long restoration. Free, 11am. The Paramount Theater, 215 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. 979-1333.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters training
Wednesday, January 11
Anyone interested in volunteering as a Big Brother or Big Sister must attend a training session, which provides information about the program. Free, 6-7:30pm. Big Brothers Big Sisters office, 1102 Carlton Ave.
Pasta cooking class
Monday, January 16
Rachel Hice of Willow Tree Pasta will share the secrets to making her signature pasta, and what sauces to pair it with. Demonstration class includes some audience participation. $40, 6-7:30pm. The Happy Cook, Barracks Road Shopping Center. 977-2665.
Drop-in support group
Friday, January 13
Hospice of the Piedmont hosts this group that is open to any adult who has experienced the death of a loved one. Receive support from others while discussing grief topics. Free, 3-4:30pm. Senior Center, 1180 Pepsi Pl. 817-6900.