
In brief: Garrett fires back, starter homes for the rich and more

Eyesore optimism

The skeletal Landmark could morph into the deluxe Dewberry Hotel in 2018, the Daily Progress reports, but some details still need to be worked out. For instance, the city is offering 75 parking spaces in the Water Street Garage, despite litigation with management company Charlottesville Parking Center, which says there are no spaces to spare.

Take that, Charlottesville

Congressman Tom Garrett’s first bill is to designate the U.S. District Court on West Main as the “Justice Antonin G. Scalia Federal Building and United States Courthouse” in honor of the conservative jurist, who taught at UVA law from 1967 to 1974. In response, an online petition favors naming the building for someone who stood up for the rights of the African-American Vinegar Hill community on that site, which was razed for urban renewal.

Colonel Dana Rucinski, left, takes command of the spy center. photo courtesy NGIC

Change of command

Former National Ground Intelligence Center commander Colonel Ketti Davison passed her torch to Colonel Dana Rucinski—another female leader—at a February 16 ceremony at the spy center. The outgoing colonel warned her successor that it’s a challenging time to take over the brains of the U.S. Army: “Our enemies no longer fear us,” she said.

Gender pay lawsuit

Assistant Vice Provost Betsy Ackerson is suing UVA, claiming she was paid less than her male peers while doing more work, and that her bosses retaliated against her when she complained and when she needed medical leave and accommodation.

Lee statue solution?

Scottsville Weekly’s Bebe Williams suggests moving it to River City, where Van Clief Nature Area could be a home for all sorts of old or homeless sculptures.

Courtesy Scottsville Weekly

The high life

C&O brownstoneThe first foundations have been poured for C&O Row, a deluxe brownstone-like development—actual building material will be brick—with 23 single-family homes on Water Street. Prices start at $869,000 and can top $1 million, depending on how customized you want to get. (While the cost of housing is a big issue in town—Coran Capshaw’s Riverbend Development contributed $100,000 to the city’s affordable housing fund for this project—apparently there are plenty of people who can pony up big bucks to be within walking distance of C&O the restaurant.) The 11 houses in the first phase have already been reserved, says Lindsay Milby with Loring Woodruff. The coal tower on the property is going to be spruced up as a private park for the enjoyment of residents.

  • 3,200 to 3,600 square feet
  • Sub-Zero fridge and Wolf range come standard
  • Elevator to rooftop terrace optional
  • Two-car garages
  • Builders are Martin Horn and Evergreen Home Builders First homes available late summer-fall 2017

Richmond rundown

Gerrymandering survives Republicans in a House committee, including
Delegate Steve Landes, voted February 17 to kill Senate redistricting reform bills for this session.

Challenges nonetheless State Democrats plan to contest 45 seats in the heavily GOP-controlled House of Delegates, including the 17 districts held by Republicans that Hillary Clinton carried in 2016. All House seats are up for re-election this year.

Top vacancy House Speaker Bill Howell, R-Stafford, says after 29 years in office and 14 as speaker, he will not seek re-election.

Vetoed Governor Terry McAuliffe nixes Delegate Rob Bell’s Tebow bill that allows homeschooled kids to play in public school sports—again—as well as legislation allowing concealed carry of switchblades and one that expands handgun concealed carry for those who’ve been in the military.

Quote of the week

“We urge all forms of media to resist normalizing racist ideas that in any other age would be identified as precisely what they are: white nationalism.”Pam Starsia, Showing Up for Racial Justice

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