
Guilty plea, dropped charges for another KKK rally protester

A woman arrested on three charges, including felony assault of a law enforcement officer at the July 8 KKK rally, has pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor.

Jordan Romeo was protesting the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in Justice Park when she allegedly assaulted a city cop and City Council critic John Heyden.

She was also charged with disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor, to which the 28-year-old Roanoke resident pleaded guilty in Charlottesville General District Court on January 19.

“Despite the commonwealth’s expected evidence in this case, the arresting officer that was assaulted agreed with a sentence involving an alternative to incarceration,” said a press release from Commonwealth’s Attorney Joe Platania released that day.

Prosecutor Nina-Alice Antony said in court that the officer agreed to nolle
prosequi the felony assault charge in exchange for Romeo’s guilty plea of disorderly conduct. At the request of Heyden, who “would like to put the matter behind him,” the misdemeanor assault charge was also dismissed.

Romeo was sentenced to 105 days in jail, with all suspended on the condition that she complete 80 hours of community service and stay on good behavior for two years.

“Allegations of assaultive behavior directed towards law enforcement officers engaged in the lawful performance of their duties are extremely significant events and will be investigated and prosecuted as the serious offenses that they are,” said Platania in the statement.

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