
In brief

Controversial conservative businessman Bert Ellis has been confirmed to the University of Virginia Board of Visitors.

On February 7, the Virginia Senate struck down a resolution brought forth by state Sen. Creigh Deeds to remove Ellis’ name from the final list of appointees. Democratic state Senators Lynwood Lewis and Chapman Petersen rejected the resolution alongside Republicans, bringing it to a 20-20 vote. Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears broke the tie.

Since Gov. Glenn Youngkin appointed Ellis, Ellis Capital CEO and Jefferson Council president, to the board in July, UVA students, faculty, and community members have called for his removal, pointing to Ellis’ recent actions against a UVA student, and his criticism of diversity, equity, and inclusion reforms at the school.

Bert Ellis Jr. Supplied photo.

In 2020, Ellis confronted Lawn resident Hira Azher in front of her room about a sign she put on her door that said: “Fuck UVA. UVA Operating Costs: KKKops, Genocide, Slavery, Disability, Black and Brown Life.” According to Ellis’ own account, he “was prepared to use a small razor blade to remove the [Fuck UVA] part.” (Two UVA ambassadors stopped him from cutting the sign.) In a 2021 Jefferson Council blog post, Ellis also wrote that replacing BOV members was Youngkin’s “only opportunity to change/reverse the path to Wokeness that has overtaken our entire University.”

Azher was “deeply appalled” and “infuriated” by Ellis’ confirmation. 

“It is clear that he is willing to endanger students, especially marginalized students, in the name of his own deeply racist values,” says Azher. “The governor [and] Senate … have directly chosen to not only disregard, but actually harm BIPOC students, and to continue the legacies of white supremacy at this institution.”

Though disappointed in his resolution’s failure, Deeds remains optimistic.

“We sent a message that there’s a whole lot of people concerned about Mr. Ellis’ behavior,” says Deeds. However, “I’m convinced Bert Ellis cares about the university … I know there will be conflicts, but I’m hopeful they will be worked out.”

Ellis faced even more backlash after an August Cavalier Daily article revealed that, as a UVA undergrad, he invited eugenicist William Shockley to the school for a debate titled “The Correlation Between Race and Intelligence” in 1974 during Black Culture Week, despite backlash from Black student groups. Ellis, then chairman of the University Union, also denied the school’s Gay Straight Union’s request to co-sponsor a 1975 event featuring gay rights activist Frank Kameny.

Since summer, the UVA Student Council, University Democrats at UVA, UVA Faculty Senate, Cavalier Daily editorial board, and Democratic Party of Virginia have called for Ellis’ resignation or removal.

Following Ellis’ confirmation, the University Democrats criticized Lewis and Petersen for ignoring student and faculty concerns, while the UVA Student Council Executive Board vowed to continue to stand up for marginalized students.

“The fight to make our institution a better place is not over yet,” said the Cavalier Daily’s 134th Editorial Board in a statement. “We will be watching the Board closely in the coming months.”                                 

Ellis will serve on the board until June 30, 2026.

In brief

On the run

As of February 13, the Charlottesville Police Department is searching for 40-year-old Demetrius Andre Brown of Palmyra, who has been named as a suspect in connection to a February 8 shooting at Wicket Hits on Harris Street, which left an adult male injured. Brown has been charged with five crimes, including malicious wounding and maliciously shooting an occupied motor vehicle. Anyone with information regarding Brown’s location should call Detective Ross Cundiff at 970-3280

CASPCA investigation

The Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA Board of Directors has hired international law firm McGuireWoods to independently review “criticisms and complaints” about the shelter, and speak with “all relevant parties,” reads a February 8 press release. After the investigation, which is expected to be completed in May, the board will “assess the results and recommendations, [and] take appropriate actions.” Since last month, a group of more than 100 current and former staff and volunteers have made allegations of internal dysfunction and animal mistreatment at the shelter, and called for the removal of CEO Angie Gunter. The group, calling itself CASPCA Concerns, wants Gunter to be placed on administrative leave during the investigation, and the law firm to reach out to them. 

Shots fired

On February 12, Albemarle County police responded to a shots fired report in the Red Crab restaurant parking lot at around 11:30am. When officers arrived, they learned that an adult female had been injured, and was taken to the hospital in a private vehicle. Anyone with information about the shooting should contact Detective Garrett Moore at 296-5807.