2024 Best of C-VILLE Staff Picks

A tree grows in C’ville

Trees are life. No, really. They provide oxygen, reduce energy costs, fight against climate change, and lead to better health simply by existing. That’s why ReLeaf Cville is working to create as much tree coverage in the city as possible. Last fall, with a $46,000 grant from the Virginia Department of Forestry, the group planted 129 trees on homeowners’ properties throughout Rose Hill, as well as on public properties like Washington Park, Madison Avenue public housing, and J.P. Burley Middle School and the Community Lab School.

By Caite Hamilton

Caite has been at C-VILLE since 2007, when she started as a part-time proofreader. Over the last 16 years, she's held the positions of Online Editor and Special Sections Editor. Currently the Magazine Editor of C-VILLE, Caite oversees content in special issues and special publications (ABODE, Knife & Fork, C-VILLE Weddings, and Best of C-VILLE).