Today marks Tom Perriello’s first full day after his swearing in as the Fifth District Congressman. Yesterday, he was sworn in during the opening ceremony of the 111th Congress, and was soon named to the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
The Washington Post features Perriello and dubbed him a “New Breed of Congressman,” citing his dedication to service. The paper notes that Perriello won more votes in the Fifth District than President-elect Barack Obama.
Tom Perriello won his seat with a 727-vote edge against Republican incumbent Virgil Goode.
One interesting note: Waldo Jaquith, local blogger, is reportedly so stunned by Perriello’s victory that he is, along with his brother, hunting for crow. No kidding. "We have hours of videotape of us walking through woods, carrying guns. We really feel like we have to eat crow," Jaquith told the Post.
Yet, the Post is not alone in highlighting the historical victory. Charlottesville Mayor Dave Norris and other local officials trekked to Washington, D.C. to witness Perriello’s settling in the new office. Norris posted evidence of the trip on his blog.