Hello again, Green Readers. Looking for links? I’ve got ‘em. I’ll warn you, though: They’re mostly not too cheerful.
First of all, here’s the New York Times on a big problem exposed by the recent coal ash spill in Tennessee. Truly, it’s insane how many different ways the coal industry mucks things up, often with little or no impediment from the government. This is what a free market looks like, at least some of the time. They’ve also got a slideshow of the destruction here.
Next we have a story on News Inferno about Why You Shouldn’t Buy Honey From China—which, in Charlottesville, we have no reason to do anyway, what with our several area honey producers. Buzz local!
And then, from the Organic Consumers Association, there’s a perfectly scary collection of articles about genetically modified foods. Stick to organics: If certified as such, they’re not supposed to contain any GMOs. Monsanto is not your friend.
Moving right along! Check out another New York Times slideshow, this one about Obama’s life during the transition period, and notice the giant SUVs that form Obama’s motorcade. Why must the Secret Service drive giant SUVs? How about armored Priuses? Symbolism, people.
And now, we’ll end on a somewhat more positive note with this Daily Progress story archived on climateark about proposals for green investment in these tough times, including some nice words and encouraging info about Charlottesville.
As always, add your links to the mix! (Happy stories especially welcome.)