UPDATE: Michael Keaveny splits from Red Light Management

Michael Keaveny confirms rumors that he is no longer heading Red Light Management’s restaurant operations for Coran Capshaw.

Michael Keaveny confirms rumors that he is no longer heading Red Light Management’s restaurant operations for Coran Capshaw.

"It was a mutual split, it was amicably, and I am moving on to do what I have always wanted to do, which is, do something on my own," Keaveny said.

"I am a chef by trade and this job has given me the opportunity to make the connections and learn about the Charlottesville dining scene. It gives me a lot of confidence in moving forward and finding a space to do something on my own."

Stu Rifkin, a commercial realtor who owns a share of The Nook, will fill in for Keaveny, but he stresses that he is not an employee of Red Light Management and is simply doing it as a courtesy.

"The only thing that has come down is that I have met with the management of the restaurants this week," says Rifkin, "and I am there to, at this point, plug a hole [since] they no longer have anyone in between them and the accounting department. I’m self-employed, and I like it that way."

How best to describe his role? "’Consigliere’ is the word that I like right now," Rifkin says. "But again, I’ve got a day job, and I enjoy it."—with additional reporting by Will Goldsmith


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