“Six months ago, if you’d asked me if we’d be here swearing in a progressive Democrat, I would have told you it would be a cold day in Hades,” said Charlottesville’s state delegate, David Toscano, standing on the steps of the Rotunda. “I got the cold day part right.”
Though Congressman Tom Perriello was officially sworn in January 6, he’s staging symbolic events across the Fifth District this weekend. At 10am this morning, about two dozen supporters stood in 15 degree weather to watch Perriello reaffirm his oath of office.
“It was very important to me to take this oath in front of people throughout this district,” said Perriello.
Davita Jackson, a middle school classmate of Perriello, volunteered to hold the Bible for the freshman Democrat.
“I was elated to do it,” said Davita Jackson, who helped campaign for her childhood friend. “That’s as close as I’m going to get to Washington.”
Tom Perriello was symbolicly sworn in by his middle school classmate, Davita Jackson, on the steps of the Rotunda.