Afternoon, bricklings. With the ominous cloud looming over the Downtown Mall at the moment, BW is finding ourselves a little under the weather (ha! Get it? Because we’re on the Mall and the weather is…). So we’ve decided to capitalize on this unusually pessimistic attitude and find a few faults with the rebricking. Fails, if you will.
Now, keep in mind, Chris Weatherford told us that at the very end of the rebricking, crew members will go over each brick with a fine-toothed comb and replace any damaged pavers. As for the trash, well, we hope they’ll just get rid of that altogether. It stinks! (BW knows; we did the legwork.)
And now, we present you with a little bit of happy:
Yesterday, BW spotted some crew members tightening up bricks on the 200 block west in front of Alakazam. Nothing says "This is the end" like putting on the final touches.
Stay tuned tomorrow for some original Brick Watch video. And remember: Let a smile be your umbrella.