Family Night Out
Friday, January 26
Enjoy some family time with swimming, a movie, pizza and snacks. $6 per person; $25 families of five or more, 6-8pm. Crozet YMCA, 1075 Claudius Crozet Park, Crozet. 205-4380.
Drop spindle class
Saturday, January 27
Crafter Russell Hubert teaches a class on how to spin wool using the traditional drop spindle method. Participants will learn how wool is processed from fleece to yarn using early 19th-century techniques. $10, 11am-noon. James Monroe’s Highland, 2050 James Monroe Pkwy. RSVP to 293-8000.
Square dance open house
Wednesday, January 24
No experience necessary to learn how to square dance with the Virginia Reelers. Bring a partner or come alone; no special clothing needed. Free, 7pm. Greer Elementary School cafeteria, 190 Lambs Ln. 295-2474.
Know Good Beer & Bourbon Fest
Saturday, January 27
Enjoy unlimited 2- to 4-ounce samples of dozens of craft beers, bourbon and other spirits. Live local music, food vendors and local artists will be on-site as well. $38-72, 1-6pm. IX Art Park, 522 Second St.