It’s been awhile since our first flock has gone on to the big Run In The Sky and we are looking to remodel. After run-ins with hawks, rats and foxes it has become apparent that although darling, our coop could use some tweaking (Don’t worry our bantam flock in the Annex is doing just fine!).
The first order of business is to raise the netted “roof” over the whole run. We did not consider the fact that the unpleasant task of cleaning the house would be made that more cumbersome by having to duck down to avoid capturing our noses, hair, etc. in the loosely draped netting. My better half, who is 6’ 1”, is heading up this aspect of the remodel.
Fixing the coop
The next task is to put in a new perch, as the branch that I installed in the house is just too thin. In the next few days I plan to head down to the Rivanna Trail and pick up a cedar branch that has fallen. Then measure, cut, sand and screw. Easy.
Finally, we’ve got to tidy up the joint. I’ve got some winter rye seed that I will sow in the run. Last time we let the girls go wild in the garden when the rye was high their eggs had the brightest orange yolks I had ever seen! Plus, I think it reminds them, on some ancient genetic level, of their jungle fowl roots. We’ll give the house a thorough scrub down and touch up the paint. It would probably be a good idea to clear coat the “Fried Chicken 79¢” sign, too. Oh, the girls will just love that!
Any tips for a remodel? What do you love about your hen house? Or if you don’t have a hen house, what does your dream hen house look like?
Do you believe in a chicken heaven? Just curious.