Evil Dead: The Musical opened at Play On! Theater last night, and has its second showing tonight at 8pm. You don’t need to have seen the 1981 Sam Raimi film to enjoy it, but you will need a taste for the over-the-top violence and camp that made the original famous, in so-bad-it’s-awesome kind of way. Song titles include “Look Who’s Evil Now” and “What the F— Was That?” If you’re wearing clothes you don’t want spattered with red corn syrup, you might want to avoid the front five rows.
CBS19’s favorite band needs no introduction around here. We last saw Invisible Hand in September, when they opened for Deerhoof at the Jefferson. Between other projects, these guys have been working on a follow up to their debut album for a while now, and the new songs have sound great. Tonight, Hand plays the Tea Bazaar with talented out-of-towners Naked Gods and The Bronzed Chorus.
Rush the stage!
You could sleep in Saturday morning, or you could take the bull by the horns and conquer an early morning 5k in Crozet. Participants will need to be at Old Trail Village Center before 8am to qualify for late registration. If that sounds like a bit much, Saturday holds a few more relaxed opportunities to enjoy the outdoors, including a day of frontier-life and preservation exhibits in Shenandoah National Park. You can also head to Blue Ridge Parkway Milepost 5.8 at 10am to join Ranger Bob Marcua for a walk up Humpback Rock, and an intra-hike discussion of local flora and fauna, and the threats they face from invasive species.
And speaking of invasive species, G. Love and the Special Sauce is playing the Jefferson on Sunday. While not exactly invasive, these guy have been chill enough to stick around in the culture for going on two decades now. If you’d rather lay off the sauce, Tyler Ramsey of Band of Horses is playing at Mockingbird Music Hall in Staunton on Saturday, and some folk musicians who go by Humble Tripe are playing at the Garage on Sunday. An evening show in the park—what more could a Sunday afternoon want?
"Ships" by Tyler Ramsey