

Guys: NBC. Have you heard of it? Maybe? Sorta kinda? Yeah, it’s pretty famous. It’s a network television station. They have a show called "The Today Show" and other shows, too. Now, as some people might remember, NBC went through a rough period with the end of "Seinfeld" and "Friends," but the network is back on top, baby! And they are keeping up with the Joneses.
Yup, NBC’s shows are on the Internet and that is nothing short of totally awesome, both because the shows are on the Internet and because they are shows I want to watch. See, my roommate is a hippie and as such is anti-television. I’ve been too embarrassed by my own obsession with television to overrule her adamant denunciation, so I get my fix curled up in my bed late at night, my computer on my lap, letting NBC give me what I want.

Sure, the picture is a little small and the sound quality isn’t great, but they’ve got episodes of "The Office" and "30 Rock" that Blockbuster has been emptied out of now for three months running and which I don’t want to wait for Netflix to send me. Plus, they have shows like "Heroes," "Chuck" and "My Name Is Earl" that some people seem to think are good but that I either haven’t seen or haven’t gotten into. "The Office" and "30 Rock" are plenty good enough for me. Even better? No commercials. It’s kind of amazing, actually—I never thought I would go back to network TV after getting spoiled by HBO in those years when NBC was stumbling. But NBC has won me over once again. Now I’m all, "HBO who? Whaa?"

And no, I promise you that the network is not paying me millions of dollars to write this. They aren’t even paying me one million dollars.

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