
Your kitchen

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Secret Ingredient

Liquid lunch

Starr Hill beer has been brewed right here in Charlottesville since 1999, first on Main Street and now in Crozet in a former food processing building. The massive scale of the building, along with plenty of refrigeration, makes this a dream spot for Starr Hill Brewery (; open for tastings Saturdays from noon to 4pm, 823-5671). If fond memories of Starr Hill Music Hall are fading away, take home a growler of fresh beer, call some friends, and turn up the tunes.

To “deglaze” means using a liquid to detach delicious bits of food that have cooked, caramelized and stuck to the pan. Usually one deglazes with alcohol such as wine, sherry, brandy or beer; however, any liquid will work, including water, broth and vinegar. The Amber Ale will contribute a malty sweetness, a hint of hoppy bitterness, and its characteristic beautiful brown tone to this vegetarian chili recipe; it would be perfect at a Super Bowl party or as a long-simmering winter meal. For a twist, omit the chocolate and instead deglaze with Starr Hill’s Dark Starr Stout, which is brewed with chocolate malt.—Lisa Reeder

Get This Gear

Go Dutch

Is your instinct to choose “quick” foods when you are short on time?  Consider instead the merits of slow cooking. Tougher, less expensive cuts of meat become tender; beans become creamy and digestible; your kitchen smells like heaven. “Multo” Mario Batali has developed a line of enameled cast-iron Dutch ovens that offer the same functionality as the venerable Le Creuset at about half the price. Give yourself and your food some time to relax.  Available at the Seasonal Cook (, 295-9355).—L.R.

Great Tastes

Starr Hill’s Black Bean Chili

Chilly? This one’s for you. Starr Hill the restaurant may not be around anymore, but some people still remember this bowl o’ beans.

1/2 oz. cumin
1/2 oz. chili powder
1/2 oz. salt
1/4 oz. black pepper
1 bay leaf
pinch of cayenne pepper
2 large yellow onions, diced
1 jalapeno pepper, sliced
1 tsp. garlic
1 Tbs. butter
2 cans (16 oz.) black beans, drained
2 cans chopped tomatoes, drained (reserve juice)
1 can corn, drained
1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup Starr Hill Amber Ale
fresh chopped cilantro
lime juice
Sauté jalapeno, garlic and onions in butter until translucent. Add beer to deglaze, and reduce. Add beans, tomatoes, chocolate, corn and bay leaf. Combine with remaining ingredients, including reserved juice. Simmer to reduce for two hours on medium-low heat. If liquid is absorbed, add canned tomato juice or V-8 to achieve your desired consistency. Top with cilantro and lime juice. Starr Hill also serves the chili with cheddar cheese and sour cream. Makes about 10 servings

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