Joggers puffing past UVA might notice that the crowd on McCormick Road looks a little younger than usual. They’d be right. No college co-eds, these. With summer here, UVA hosts a number of summer camps targeted at aspiring athletes and other high school students. Here’s a quick run-down, by the numbers.
Number of kids attending UVA summer camps: 10,000
Number of dorm rooms used by summer campers per week: 400-500
Number of meals eaten by summer sports campers per day: 2,520
Projected UVA revenue from summer camps: $3,000,000
Projected UVA revenue from summer sports camps: $1,000,000—$1,500,000
Cost for a high school student to attend a three-day, two-night UVA baseball camp, including room and board: $399
Average salary of a Major League ballplayer in 2005: $2,476,589
Sources: University of Virginia, Major League Baseball