A mostly older crowd packed the meeting hall of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church on Wednesday, July 19, with one purpose: to impeach the president.
The event, sponsored by the Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice, was moderated by David Swanson, a board member of CCPJ and co-founder of the anti-war website afterdowningstreet.org. He kicked off the teach-in by introducing David Waldman, a nationally recognized blogger who has written at length about impeaching President Bush.
Following the introductory speeches, a video produced by The Center for Constitutional Rights, a nonprofit human rights group, was shown. The short film cited unauthorized NSA domestic wiretapping, the war in Iraq, and the use of torture as valid reasons for impeaching the president.
Swanson and Waldman both offered their take on the video and fielded questions from members of the audience, many of whom had traveled from out of town for the presentation. CCPJ is more focused, however, on taking local action. According to Swanson, the group will soon present a resolution calling for the impeachment of President Bush to Charlottesville’s City Council.