The Waynesboro Symphony Orchestra has more than doubled its original 23-member size since its debut performance in 1996. This increase in membership has brought with it nothing less than musical growth and a series of memorable performances. Led by Music Director Dr. Peter Wilson, former conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra, the group celebrates the “Heroes of America” with a series of musical tributes to the nation’s best, performed by an array of talented, and world-renowned musicians including internationally acclaimed tuba soloist, Patrick Sheridan. “In comparing the worlds of tuba and violin, Patrick Sheridan is the Itzhak Perlman of tuba playing, said conductor Peter Wilson. “Patrick has performed in over 50 countries and his ability is astounding.”
Friday 10/26 $75, 7:30PM. The Paramount Theater, 215 E. Main St., Downtown Mall. 979-1333.