When I think about the three things I would want if left alone on a desert island, my first thought is: “A sense of humor.” I would also need my one true love, and either an endless supply of alcohol or water (it’s a tough decision between the two when faced with spending the rest of your days stranded on a pile of sand in the middle of the ocean). I wonder if “Saturday Night Live” wunderkind Andy Samberg had desert island scenarios in mind when he named his comedy video website “The Lonely Island.” I, for one, like to think that he did.
Andy is a funny guy. For those who care, he’s also pretty hot. So are his friends, who also have videos up. Their strength is certainly the music video genre, from a white-boy hipster rapping about his pants to a Nokia keyboard melody entitled “Daquiri Girl,” not to mention a Beastie Boys spoof that attempts to coin a new slang term—“Kablam-o”—that apparently means everything from “that’s whack” to “that’s awesome” to “that sucks.” It’s an all-purpose word, really. Also worth checking out is “the original” version of “The Office.” Oh, and by the way, “the original” version of “The Office” is the Japanese version, for those of you who keep complaining that the American version isn’t as good as the faux-“original” British version.
Hmmm. So, I guess the conclusion that I’ve reached here is that an ideal desert island scenario would be to have my one true love be Andy Samberg. Then I would have to choose between water and wine. How ’bout that?