Each week, C-VILLE’s Green Scene page takes a look at local environmental news. The section’s bulletin board has information on local green events and keeps you up to date on statewide happenings. Got an event or a tip you’d like to see here and in the paper? Write us at news@c-ville.com. Food forever: The Blue Ridge Permaculture Network is hosting a perennial vegetables and garden design workshop with ERic Toensmeier, coauthor of Edible Forest Gardens, from 9am-5pm Saturday, February 23 in the Charlottesville Waldorf School Library. Cost is $75-100 sliding scale; contact Terry Lilley at tygerlilley@gmail.com for details. Work hard, play hard: Every month, the Ivy Creek Foundation encourages outdoor lovers to come out and spend the day working hard and getting some dirt under their nails. Saturday, February 23, meet in the Ivy Creek Natural Area parking lot in warm clothing at 9am, ready for a work project of field restoration, trail maintenance, or invasive plant removal. Locavore learnin’: This year’s Local Food Networks Conference is taking place at the Virginia Farm Bureau’s Richmond office on Tuesday, February 26. “Safe products” are the focus of this year, which includes safe production, harvesting, and handling of dairy, poultry, meat, eggs, produce, and value-added products. Everyone from farmers and farmers’ market managers to community representatives are encouraged to attend, at a cost of $20 including meals and materials. Contact Chris Cook at ccook@cabf.com for more information.
Green happenings: Charlottesville environmental news and events