Each week, C-VILLE’s Green Scene page takes a look at local environmental news. The section’s bulletin board has information on local green events and keeps you up to date on statewide happenings. Got an event or a tip you’d like to see here and in the paper? Write us at news@c-ville.com.
Brews for the Bay: Devils Backbone Brewing Company recently announced the second annual release of their collaboration with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Striped Bass Pale Ale. According to a press release, Devils Backbone and their partnering distributors have raised $50,000 for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s educational awareness programs. Founder Steve Crandall and wife Heidi take great measures to protect their land and the surrounding waterways that run into the Chesapeake Bay, so they have a personal investment in the project. The beer is packaged in aluminum cans and is 100 percent recyclable.
Feed the hungry: Every Sunday, Charlottesville’s chapter of Food Not Bombs, a worldwide movement to redirect food sources back into the local community, hosts a free meal. The group receives donations of food that would have otherwise gone to waste from nearby stores and famers’ markets, and distributes a cooked vegetarian meal at Tonsler Park at 1pm. Cooking begins at 11am at the Haven, and volunteers gather for a meeting after the meal on the last Sunday of every month.
Poison plants: Have you been concerned about your goats munching on plants that could potentially hurt them? Join Extension Agricultural Agent for Fluvanna County John Thompson for a free open walk and a discussion about plants that are toxic to livestock. Meet at 98 Gormes Drive in Faber, Virginia, at 3pm on Friday, May 31. If you’re interested in joining the walk, contact Roxanne Louise Wackenhuth at 434-263-4337 or roxannelouise@verizon.net.