
April 2009: D.I.Y. Diary

Our house had been the victim of some puzzling attempts at renovation before we bought it. For example, one of the two windows in the bathroom had been removed and a storm window tacked into its place. We wanted the real window back, but—alas—it was long gone.

Knowing that, if we ordered a brand-new window for this spot, it would inevitably look a little different than its original mate in the bathroom, we started looking for other options. We found the answer in the kitchen, where there was an original window exactly the size we needed. And we wouldn’t mind removing it because we plan to, someday, put a French door in that spot. For now, we could find a used window at the Habitat Store, and our bathroom would have its matched pair.

Habitat came through like a champ (window cost: $35) and we spent just one evening swapping the kitchen windows. Taking out the old window involved a lot of prying and some Sawzall work on old nails, but it wasn’t too tough. Chilly air poured in through the opening while we quickly measured and cut some extra framing, since the Habitat window was a little smaller than the original. Once that was attached, the window itself slid in easily, and we checked it with the level in every direction before screwing it in place.

A second evening went toward installing the old kitchen window in its new spot in the bathroom. A D.I.Y. sleight-of-hand, not too puzzling at all. 




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