Each week, C-VILLE’s Green Scene page takes a look at local environmental news. The section’s bulletin board has information on local green events and keeps you up to date on statewide happenings. Got an event or a tip you’d like to see here and in the paper? Write us at news@c-ville.com.
Nuts for you: The Virginia Department of Forestry’s annual seed and acorn collection is underway, and as it’s a light year for tree nuts, VDF needs your help. Carefully identify (it can be tricky!) and collect the seeds or nuts of native trees in breathable bags grouped by species and bring them to your local forestry office. For a list of desired species, tips, and office locations, visit www.dof.virginia.gov/trees/acorn-collect.htm.
Local loot: Get a jump start on your holiday shopping at the Charlottesville Mini Maker Faire, 10am-4pm at Monticello High School. Crafters, homesteaders, and tinkerers will offer locally made goods and treats, from handbags made of recycled coffee sacks to seeds for the garden.
Arty party: Looking for something different to do this weekend? Join Blue O’Connell and members of the Live Poets Society on Sunday, October 13 for a blend of nature, music, photography, and poetry. The event is free and open to the public, and begins at 2pm in the Ivy Creek education building.