
What’s coming up in Charlottesville-Albemarle the week of May 26?

Each week, the news team takes a look at upcoming meetings and events in Charlottesville and Albemarle we think you should know about. Consider it a look into our datebook, and be sure to share newsworthy happenings in the comments section. 

  • The Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority Board of Directors will meet at 2:15pm on Tuesday, May 27. The agenda includes staff reports on finance, operations, and ongoing projects, and a public hearing on the proposed operating budget for FY 2014-2015.
  • The Charlottesville Planning Commission will hold a brief work session at 5pm on Tuesday, May 27, in the Neighborhood Development Services conference room for an update on the Long Range Transportation Plan. At 5:30pm, the meeting will relocate to CitySpace for a presentation on street design by Ian Lockwood.
  • The bypass discussion continues. On Tuesday, May 27, there will be a public hearing for the Route 29 Recommended Concept Solutions Package. At 6pm in Lane Auditorium in the Albemarle County office building, community members will have the chance to address the Board of Supervisors regarding the US29 Advisory Panel’s package of concepts as alternatives to the long-discussed Western Bypass.
  • The City is undertaking a four-day worksop called Street Design Charrette to develop city-wide street design guidelines that balance the need of drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The series of events begins with Ian Lockwood’s discussion, and includes a time for drop-ins to see the progress and provide input on Thursday, May 29, 11am-1pm and 6:30-8pm. The final presentation will be Friday, May 30, at 4:30pm. All events will take place at CitySpace.

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