The Editor's Desk


Panel discussion

Apparently Andy Singer cannot distinguish between terrorist recruiters and military recruiters [“No Exit,” May 10]. Allow me to enlighten him: A terrorist recruiter would not hesitate to take his life in order to suppress his freedom of speech. A military recruiter would not hesitate to give his life to protect his freedom of speech, no matter how ignorant or vilifying his speech might be. Perhaps before Mr. Singer sneers at the military again, he might consider that he is free to sneer only because many in the armed forces have paid the ultimate price—while he sits safely in his cubicle, his greatest danger being the risk of a paper cut.

Laura B. Woodworth



Auto motives

Two points of interest for your readers: 1) In response to a rant in your latest edition [“The Rant,” May 17], if you see an animal or (hopefully not) a person in a locked car with all the windows up and it’s warm or hot, call the local police. If it is deemed necessary by the officer, the car can and will be broken into; 2) If you are concerned about someone who is getting older continuing to have a motor vehicle operator’s license [“Driving force,” Mr. Right, April 26], you can get the Depart-ment of Motor Vehicles to check it out. The form is available online at 

Elizabeth Blair Carter




Regrettably, illustrator Mario Zucca’s name was misspelled in last week’s edition.

In last week’s Ask Ace on the Rivanna Rowing Club, Ace reported that the group’s $125 annual membership fee included coached sessions and the Learn to Row class. Not true. Private coaching costs extra, as does the Learn to Row class.

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