News Quiz

The quiz is today. The reading assignment is tomorrow. A vegan hotdog is at stake.

Here it is, this week’s news quiz. As always, leave your answers in the comments. I’ll post the answer key tomorrow. And of course, the first person with three correct answers gets a vegan hotdog.*

1. When Clara Belle Wheeler says, "I could go stand out in the middle of 64, but that would not be smart," what is she metaphorically referencing?
    a. Political fence sitting.
    b. 1990s hit movie "The Program."
    c. Land use tax reform.
    d. Existential fact of life’s impermanence.

2. What event was held on Saturday to help the homeless?
    a. Bowl-a-thon.
    b. Tax-the-excessively-rich-a-thon.
    c. Provide-mental-health-and-addiction-treatment-a-thon.
    d. Pay-a-living-wage-a-thon.

3.  How many pounds of strawberries were served over graduation weekend at UVA?
    a. Five, to a select few berry scholars.
    b. 200.
    c. 300.
    d. 400.

*Yes, they exist.

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