Toddler Time at Monticello
Saturday, February 18
Toddlers and their adult caregivers are introduced to the world of Thomas Jefferson through interactive stories, activities, crafts and playtime. For ages 18 months to 4 years. $10 per child, advance registration required; 9-10am. Monticello’s Griffin Discovery Room, 931 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy.
Fundraiser for SARA
Thursday, February 16
As an outreach component of the “Empowering Women of Color” exhibit (see story on page 28), Sheri Owens from the Sexual Assault Resource Agency will speak on behalf of the organization. Local jazz bassist Dhara Goradia will also perform at this benefit for SARA. $10, 6:30-8pm. The Bridge PAI, 209 Monticello Rd. 984-5669.
Surf and Turf cooking class
Wednesday, February 15
Learn how to make this meal at home by watching a cooking demo in Pippin Hill’s kitchen, and enjoy two glasses of wine. $105, 6-9pm. Pippin Hill Farm & Vineyards, 5022 Plank Rd., North Garden. pippinhill
Stress 2: Calming the Chaos
Thursday, February 16
This class addresses specific ways to manage stress and introduces mindfulness in self-care. Free, 1- 2pm. Sentara Martha Jefferson Health & Wellness Center Patient Education Room, 590 Peter Jefferson Pkwy.