City needs help at the polls this November

Help at the polls this November and get $100. Seriously.

Help at the polls this November and get about $100. Seriously.

According to the Newsplex, the state is looking for workers to help administer the expected high voter turnout at the polls on November 4.

The city is in need of 50 people, while the county’s positions are almost entirely filled.

There are eight polling precincts in Charlottesville:

Recreation Precinct at Herman Key Recreation Center;
Clark Precinct at Clark Elementary School Gym;

Carver Precinct at Carver Recreation Center;

Walker Precinct at Walker Upper Elementary School Gym;

Tonsler Precinct at Benjamin Tonsler Recreation Center;

Jefferson Park Precinct at the Carter Family Life Center;

Venable Precinct at Venable Elementary School Gym and

Alumni Hall Precinct at Ballroom of Alumni Hall.

The state is adding 300 voting precincts for this fall’s Presidential elections due to the sharp increase in the number of registered voters and the expected high voter turnout. Richmond, Virginia Beach, Fairfax and Norfolk are also in need of workers.

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