Senator Jim Webb told a Roanoke crowd Friday that Virginians and Americans will welcome the 14th U.S. president whose lineage reaches to the Appalachian mountains when Barack Obama is elected, according to a CBS News post.
Webb said he wanted to address the issue of race that has been coming up lately in some areas of the Commonwealth. “I would like to say, we know Barack Obama’s father was born in Kenya. Barack Obama’s mother was born in Kansas by way of Kentucky,” he said. “You can trust him – I trust him.”
At the rally, Webb criticized Republican candidate John McCain’s choice of running mate, Alaska governor Sarah Palin. “I don’t know how many people here like country music, I like country music. There was a song about two years ago, “I know what I was doing but what was I thinking?" I think John McCain is probably singing that sing right now.”
According to the laster CNN/Time poll, Obama is leading McCain in the Commonwealth by 10 points, 53 to 43.
The same poll also reveals that Obama is ahead in the key states of Colorado (51 to 47), Florida (51 to 46), Georgia (53 to 45) and Missouri (49 to 48).
Senator Jim Webb, who stumped for Obama in Roanoke on Friday, was at one point rumored to be in the run for the VP spot on the Democratic ticket.