
Shoot to the top

For this year’s The-Art-Director-is-on-Vacation photo contest, we asked local camera hounds to send us summer scenes in and around Charlottesville. And they obliged with images ranging from an impromptu, barefoot water dance to a biker’s shadow (and a biker’s footwear) to an utterly broken down school bus lying yellow in the sunshine. In the end, three winners warmed the hearts of our three judges the most. We hope that both the winners and nonwinners inspire you to stop and click with your eyes the roses—and everything else—in the coming months.

Meet the judges

Laura Jones and her husband, Rob, own Migration: A Gallery. The gallery opened in April 2006 and frequently exhibits the best photography from across the country. A former lawyer and lifelong collector, Laura is happy to look at art rather than contracts and other inscrutable legal documents. She can never remember to take photographs of her own life, though.

Stephen Margulies has been curating exhibitions of photography, prints and drawings at the University of Virginia Art Museum (formerly the Bayly Art Museum) since 1986. He is also a poet, artist and essayist. He was born in Baltimore and has degrees from Johns Hopkins University and the University of Virginia.

Greg Antrim Kelly lives and works in Charlottesville, where he co-founded The Bridge Progressive Arts Initiative in the fall of 2004. He holds an undergraduate degree with honors in Fine Arts and Art History from Colorado State University. He has worked extensively in the fields of arts and education. His own work, as an artist, typically explores a wide range of mediums and practices including illustration, video, performance, writings, audio letters, cut flowers and an ongoing series of love notes to his wife, Leigh.

We have a winner!

1st Place – Untitled – Sarah Cramer

Congratulations, Sarah Cramer. As the First Place winner of C-VILLE’s annual Summer Photo Contest, you have won a $100 framing package from Partridge and Grace. Second Place winner Natalie Krovetz has won a $50 gift card from Eppie’s. Third Place winner Chris Konnick has won a $25 gift card from Mudhouse.

First place winner, Sarah Cramer, talks about her photograph.

Thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s Summer Photo Contest.

2nd Place
Last Chicken Run – Natalie Krovetz

Second place winner, Natalie Krovetz, talks about her photograph.

3rd Place
Untitled – Chris Konnick

Third place winner, Chris Konnick, talks about his photograph.

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