What would it mean for the University of Virginia if Bob McDonnell or Creigh Deeds were elected governor?
That’s what C-VILLE asked a group of political experts as the race to November continues.
One of the largest impacts the incoming governor will make on the University will be his appointments to one of the most senior decision-making bodies at the University—the Board of Visitors. Among other tasks, the BOV allocates funds and approves the University budget.
During his term, the incoming governor will need to appoint nine members to the BOV. Only two of those people are existing members who are eligible for one more appointment and one of them is a new student member who is appointed annually.
McDonnell wants to expand UVA without increasing taxes, says the GOP candidate’s spokeswoman, so he’ll aim “to increase cost-efficiency and avoid duplication throughout our higher education system.” Uh huh.
“These people are absolutely critical to the running of the college,” UVA professor Larry Sabato says. “If they are wise and energetic, we prosper. If they make short-sighted decisions, we lose out to competitors.”
Hence, there’s plenty of interest in the new governor’s view on higher education.
Political commentator and Democratic party activist Waldo Jaquith says the two candidates would each create a very different BOV during his time as governor.
“Insofar as people support a liberal—meaning open-minded—education, I suspect Creigh Deeds is their guy,” he says. “Folks who believe a strong Christian influence and they want to see that at UVA on the Board of Visitors, then I suspect Bob McDonnell is their man.”
One of the major decisions both the BOV members and the incoming governor will face is the amount of state funding for the University. The governor and the General Assembly decide how much the University receives and the BOV plays a key role in allocating those funds, says Sorensen Institute Director Bob Gibson.
Right now, the University gets about 8-9 percent of its funding from the state, says Jaquith, which both he and Sabato say is not enough.
“UVA has been dramatically underfunded by the state, and increasingly so over the years. High quality costs money, and we are Virginia’s national and international gem —the capstone of higher education here,” says Sabato.
McDonnell spokesperson Crystal Cameron says the Republican candidate plans to expand higher education by awarding 100,000 additional four-year and community college degrees during the next 15 years. Cameron says McDonnell believes a greater number of college degrees in the workforce will help to modernize the Commonwealth’s economy.
But McDonnell wants to pay for the expansion without increasing taxes, so Cameron says McDonnell believes “we need to increase cost-efficiency and avoid duplication throughout our higher education system.”
Deeds, meanwhile, stands by his existing record of University support, says Deeds spokesperson Jared Leopold. “He has already invested millions in higher ed and it’s something UVA has seen,” Leopold says. “He has a particular affinity for the University.”
Jaquith says Deeds’ funding plans will probably be more beneficial to UVA because there will likely be more money to go around if he raises taxes and because he has already worked closely with the University.
Jaquith, however, says the divide between the two candidates on funding may not be so clear in the end because the governor is not the only person making the decisions.
“The effect is hard to say because the legislature is the one that holds the purse strings.”
But there is an instance when the governor works alone. He “sets the tone and specific policies that affect higher education,” says Sabato, such as whether to admit more or fewer international and out-of-state students to the University.
“A more restrictive cap would be ruinous for UVA given [out-of-state and international students’] exceptional quality and the amount they contribute to the running of the University,” says Sabato.
Cameron says McDonnell believes “the long-term solution [to accepting more out-of-state students] lies in increasing capacity at our higher education institutions, both physically and online.”
Leopold says Deeds also believes in increasing the opportunities for higher education, but Deeds, according to his plan for higher education, wants to increase need-based tuition assistance and loans to community college students to do it.
In the end, the political commentators all agreed that it may still be too early to tell where the candidates stand on the issues and policies surrounding UVA.
“It will be a matter of learning more from the candidates,” says Gibson.
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