“Hall of Game Awards”
Friday 7pm, Cartoon Network
The title for this new awards show is somewhat deceiving. I initially thought it celebrated video or board games, but no, it’s a kid-oriented celebration of sports. The show might further glorify people who are paid ridiculous amounts of money to play games and sell Americans high-priced items they don’t need, but the childhood obesity situation in this country is out of control. If worshipping LeBron James (that’s a real person, right?) gets chubby kids off the couch, away from the chips, and onto the basketball court in an attempt to emulate their idol, more power to them. Skateboarder Tony Hawk hosts the shindig, and it will feature a special appearance by First Lady Michelle Obama, who will celebrate schools that have created healthier environments by promoting exercise and good nutrition. Love her.
“The 83rd Academy Awards”
Sunday 8pm, ABC
What a great year for movies. From Inception to The Social Network to Black Swan and even Toy Story 3, there were some damned fine films released in 2010, and I’m legitimately excited for this year’s Oscars. The Academy did something unconventional with the hosts this year, bringing in Anne Hathaway and James Franco in a bid to appeal to young viewers. Hathaway nearly stole Hugh Jackman’s song-and-dance opener in 2009, and Franco is so unpredictable that he may very well present the entire show in Esperanto. The big honorary award of the night will go to an up-and-coming director named Francis Ford Coppola. Turn in an hour earlier to see Tim Gunn host the red carpet segment.
“Bethenny Ever After”
Monday 10pm, Bravo
If an award existed for self promotion via reality TV, I’d give it to Bethenny Frankel. Frankel’s skinny ass came in second on the Martha Stewart version of “The Apprentice” back in 2005. A few years later she popped up as a cast member on “The Real Housewives of New York City,” and she became so popular that last year Bravo gave her the spin-off “Bethenny Getting Married?”, which chronicled the drama of her impending marriage and the birth of her daughter. After officially leaving the “Housewives” she came in second again on that dreadful “Skating with the Stars” show last fall, and now she’s back with ANOTHER show, this one following her struggle to balance being a wife, mommy, author, businesswoman, and, oh yeah, reality-TV star.