
Local agencies look for fuel fat

Nationally, the cost of gas has skyrocketed—as recently as March, the average price of gas in Charlottesville was $3.15, and now it’s around $4. While the rise has forced most of us to re-evaluate what we spend money on, the recent economic challenges have also caused our city and county governments to undergo a similar review.

City officer Kia West walks her patrol. City police have mandated that patrol officers spend two hours of their shift outside their vehicles to save on fuel costs.

Charlottesville has already switched to biofuels in some transit and school buses, has made plans to purchase a larger hybrid fleet and has incorporated an anti-idling program. The city is also in the midst of a fuel evaluation study, asking departments for ideas to cut down on fuel costs, which has resulted in an initial idea list that numbers close to 100.

Some of the recommendations currently being considered include adding motion sensor lighting, as well as reducing mowing and Mall sweeping frequency. Neighborhood Development Services has suggested telecommuting one day a week where appropriate, and purchasing a department bicycle to be used on short trips. Public Works has recommended raising the office thermostat (or reducing it in winter) and removing poorly efficient vehicles from its fleet.

The county is looking at similar practical measures, most significantly the greater implementation of a four-day/10-hour shift work week. According to county spokesperson Lee Catlin, the county’s four-person zoning inspector team is making this shift, and several members of the Housing Office as well as county police detectives are already working this altered schedule.

With their reliance on transit, schools and the police are obviously hit harder than most departments by the rising fuel costs. In the county, 217 school buses travel approximately 12,000 miles a day. Last year, they spent $1.2 million on 731,650 gallons. Their fuel budget for this year is $1.7 million. As one means of attacking rising costs, the county commissioned a biodiesel pilot impact study last year. The results of that study were just submitted and will go before the Board of Supervisors this month.

The county school system also recently completed a survey of its transportation recipients and was able to determine that some 900 people along their bus routes did not need pick-up. As a result, the routes have been completely redesigned this year to cut down on unnecessary trips. On the city side, schools are researching efforts to encourage walking to school and carpooling.

Within the police department, the county has already begun to alter some practices, requiring carpooling to all training or other activities outside Albemarle, an emphasis on not letting cars idle, and two officers (as opposed to one) per patrol car on emergency calls.

“There’s nothing off the table,” says Lieutenant Todd Hopwood, county police spokesperson, about any future actions to reduce fuel usage. At the same time, he is careful to caution that “we don’t want to reduce our service to the citizens.”

Hopwood is quick to point out the basic realities for a county patrol officer. With 700 square miles to cover and a total force of 123 sworn officers (only some of those performing patrol duties), there is little an officer can do besides driving around the large rings they must cover.

The challenge is smaller for the city, only 10 square miles in circumference. As a result, Charlottesville police have been able to take the straightforward measure of simply requiring officers to spend more time on foot, mandating that all officers on patrol take two hours out of their normal shift to patrol their district outside their vehicle.

Still, police Captain Allen Kirby says, “the patrol car is like our office,” and the move will require a change in philosophy, from one of a complete reliance on automobiles to a humbler means, literal boots on the street.


Western State violated patient's civil rights

On August 1, the State Human Rights Committee (SHRC) affirmed a ruling that Western State Hospital in Staunton violated the civil rights of a Spanish-speaking mentally ill patient by keeping him in seclusion for the last 15 years. Fifty-seven-year-old Cesar Augusto Chumil’s treatment plans and medication-related information were always delivered in English, which he barely speaks.

“It’s one of the most outrageous things I’ve ever seen,” says Alex Gulotta of Charlottesville’s Legal Aid Justice Center, which sued to have Chumil’s treatment altered. As a result, the hospital’s human rights committee issued a number of recommendations in June, including that he be treated by a Spanish-speaking psychiatrist, and that Spanish-speaking staff be present on all shifts at the hospital. His seclusion was also to be severely limited.

The hospital appealed the ruling to SHRC, which, rather than overruling, instead imposed a number of additional restrictions on the hospital, specifying that seclusion only be used in emergencies and that the hospital keep written daily reports on Chumil’s activities with details of how much time he spends outside his containment suite, whether restraints or time-outs are used, and how long his door is locked.

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Kaine for VP closer to reality

The Washington Post has a piece today on the increasing likelihood that Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine will be picked as Barack Obama’s VP choice. Quoting "close associates," the Post says Kaine has had "very serious" conversations with Sen. Obama about joining the Democratic presidential ticket and has provided documents to the campaign as it combs through his background. This comes despite growing disenchantment with Kaine at home, as detailed in last week’s C-VILLE, and a lack of foreign policy experience.

Apparently, there is a perception that our governor would bring an outside-the-Beltway philosophy to D.C.—a claim pretty much every candidate tries to lay claim to. We have little idea what Obama sees in Kaine but according to conservative pundit William Kristol, Obama has already decided on him. On Fox News Sunday, Kristol said that Obama is "in Washington on Tuesday, two days from now. He’ll have a secret meeting with Tim Kaine—this is my theory—they’ll work it all out," Kristol said. "And then on Monday, next Monday, August 4th, 11am in Richmond, Obama and Tim Kaine, and that will be an attractive young ticket. … I’m way out there on a limb here."

Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine is inching closer to becoming Obama’s VP.


For rebricking, activist pushes local hiring

One outcome of the July 21 City Council vote to move forward with the $7.5 million rebricking of the Downtown Mall was the mandate from Councilor Holly Edwards to Neighborhood Development Services Director Jim Tolbert to explore ways to incorporate local residents into the renovation workforce.

“I would hope there are employment opportunities,” she said, urging the creation of a “true sense of economic justice throughout the city.”

Moments earlier, Edwards teared up as she discussed the recent killing of a 19-year-old on Sixth Street SE, near public housing. “We have to get back in touch with what’s important and what we value, but we seem to miss that until there’s a loss in the community,” she urged. “I want us all to take advantage of this moment to decide what we all can do, what we all can do to create a sense of community in every neighborhood.”

Karen Waters, executive director of the Quality Community Council, pushed Council to request local workers for the Mall rebricking.

Edwards’ comments had followed those of community activist Karen Waters. “It’s easier to get a gun than a job in this community,” she said to Council. “Let’s find a way local people can do the work—young people, homeless and felons.”

While she has just finished up a term on the city’s housing commission, Waters is also the executive director of the Quality Community Council, an organization founded in 1999 that is a “citizen-driven community coalition dedicated to improving the quality of life in Charlottesville’s most challenged neighborhoods,” according to its website.

“I’m in the community every day and I see the needs every day,” Waters says. “I get asked at least once a day if I know where there’s a job.”

So the notion of using locals in the rebricking effort “seemed like a no-brainer,” she says. “We have a vacuum in terms of well-paying blue collar jobs.”

The Downtown Mall will keep 4"x12" bricks, as shown on the left, but lay them without mortar, as shown on the right.

While her suggestion may appeal to common sense, it is not necessarily easy to implement. Concerns about meeting the Mall’s five-month construction schedule led Council to pull back from requiring contractor Barton Malow to implement workforce development. Still, Tolbert says he will formally ask the construction company to try and hire as many locals as they can. “We want to make sure that the contractors explore using a local workforce,” he says. Barton Malow declined to comment for this article.

“Shame on you if you don’t make it accessible,” Waters says of the rebricking effort. A mere instruction to explore the option will not satiate community advocates like her who want concrete action now, and are holding city officials, Barton Malow and the entire community accountable. “At a certain point, it’s on us as citizens not to accept excuses,” she says.

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Can Ridge/McIntire handle traffic boost?

The recent Board of Architectural Review (BAR) approval of a nine-story building at 301 W. Main St. has returned a spotlight to the busy intersection of that street where it meets Ridge/McIntire streets in the former Vinegar Hill neighborhood.

It is an intersection in an area with an ignominious past. In 1958, a Charlottesville Master Plan first targeted Vinegar Hill for urban renewal. By then, the 18-acre triangular area that separated Preston Avenue and West Main Street was a predominantly African-American community, and a survey conducted that year found that only 50 Caucasians were among its more than 500 residents. In 1964, a Richmond Times-Dispatch writer described the area “as a hodge-podge collection of run-down dwellings and aging commercial buildings,” and that same year, demolitions began on Vinegar Hill’s commercial area as residents were moved to a new public housing site called Westhaven.

When (or if) the Meadowcreek Parkway is built, this intersection will come under increased pressure to handle through traffic. Previous studies have recommended a roundabout, though a city official dismisses those as “pretty pictures.”

In 1966, parts of Ridge and McIntire streets were closed to make room for the new four-lane connection that joined the two and cut right through old Vinegar Hill. West Main was also widened and when all the improvements were finished a road sluiced through what looked like an obliterated moonscape. But as the area grew, so did use of the Ridge/McIntire connection, creating a heavily trafficked intersection where it crossed with West Main, Water and South streets.

The recent BAR approval of a nine-story building there and a planned $1.75 million makeover of West Main Street, as well as the eventual construction of the Meadowcreek Parkway, suggest that a reconsideration of that already crowded intersection may be prudent in the near future.

“If the parkway is ever built, it will drastically increase traffic at that intersection,” says former city councilor Kevin Lynch. He was on Council in 2004 when consultants Wallace Roberts & Todd issued comprehensive urban recommendations for Charlottesville, including one to close South Street and turn the Ridge/McIntire portal into a four-point intersection. Earlier proposals in 2000 and 1988 both called for a roundabout at the intersection, and some of the studies called for moving the Lewis, Clark and Sacagawea statue.

Jim Tolbert, director of Neighborhood Development Services, says there are no current plans to reconceive the intersection. He cites a lack of funds and scoffs at the idea of a roundabout at the Ridge/McIntire intersection as nothing more than “pretty pictures” drawn by architects and “not based on any sort of traffic study.”

Meanwhile, interested observers like Gate Pratt of Limehouse Architects fret that all the coming development around and near the intersection may preclude thoughtful design for a hub that could become the center of an urban highway. “What is the urban vision for this part of the city?” he asks.

Raised in Charlottesville, Pratt remembers driving through the razed Vinegar Hill neighborhood as a kid. “Planning and development for this area seem to be happening ad-hoc, and should be done better. Is there currently a vision for this intersection, and a planning document guiding development?”

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StreamWatch study finds Rivanna River watershed is still dirty

According to today’s Daily Progress, a three-year study by StreamWatch has found that three-quarters of the streams tested in the Rivanna River watershed failed to meet Department of Environmental Quality standards. The new report shows substantially more failing sites than a 2004-05 report, but that news is tempered just a bit by StreamWatch’s John Murphy who points out that DEQ standards have also toughened. As a result, so have his.

C-VILLE profiled Murphy and his nonprofit a year ago as part of a larger article on the shitty state of the Rivanna and what’s being done about it by groups like StreamWatch.

John Murphy of StreamWatch has toughened his standards when appraising the cleanliness—or lack thereof—of the Rivanna River.


Obama opens Charlottesville office, McCain MIA

On Saturday, July 19, the Barack Obama campaign opened 20 offices around the state of Virginia—including one on the Downtown Mall in the old A&N building—as it prepares to wage battle against John McCain for the presidency of the United States. A win in the normally red state of Virginia would go a long way in returning the nation to the Democrats, and thus salvation.

Barack Obama’s Charlottesville office is full of passionate volunteers. “If something doesn’t change, we’re going to go the way of Rome,” says Shannon Adams.

“He’s got the intelligence to know where to change things,” says Shannon Adams, a volunteer at Obama’s Charlottesville office who has coordinated a lot of the painting to get the Downtown outpost ready. “Sometimes those little changes will sink in and change things down the line. If something doesn’t change, we’re going to go the way of Rome.”

By that logic, McCain would keep the country not only Republican but on the path to decay and ruin. It is apparently an effort he will not depend on Charlottesville to contribute heavily to. While McCain recently opened offices in Richmond, Fairfax, Fredericksburg and Virginia Beach, he has yet to open an office here in the Charlottesville area.

Nevertheless, “the McCain campaign is planning to have a strong presence here,” says Albemarle GOP head Christian Schoenewald. While he could not confirm a date, Schoenewald says that a McCain office should be opening here in upcoming weeks. However, unlike Obama’s local headquarters, which operate independently of any local candidate, McCain’s will likely be run by Schoenewald, who also oversees the local efforts for Republican candidates Jim Gilmore for the U.S. Senate and Virgil Goode for re-election in the House. (Schoenewald also recently greeted NOVA anti-immigrant stalwart Corey Stewart to this area for the regular Albemarle GOP breakfast.)

John McCain’s campaign has opened offices in Richmond, Fairfax, Fredericksburg and Virginia Beach, but not yet in the Charlottesville area.

Perhaps some of McCain’s delay in expanding his offices through Virginia, as Obama has done, is a result of recent news that the Virginia Democratic Party has a 9-to-1 advantage over the state Republicans in money that can be used to influence the outcome of the presidential, Senate and congressional races. Even more disconcerting for the Virginia GOP had to be the recent revelation that Gilmore is at a 44-1 money disadvantage in his Senate campaign against fellow former governor Democrat Mark Warner. According to campaign finance reports released on July 15, Gilmore had $115,000 in the bank, while Warner has $5.1 million heading into the next phase of the campaign.

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Community land trusts coming to town

Between 2000 and 2006, the median sales costs of houses doubled in the Charlottesville metropolitan area, and the county nearly kept the same pace. As a result, housing became affordable only for the few with enough money to spend on escalating properties. Your average family was practically priced out of town. 

“I was at a party about three and a half years ago talking about how hard it was for my children to find a home,” says area mortgage lender Frazier Bell. Shortly thereafter, he ran into an old frat brother from his days at UVA named Bill Edgerton. The old friends’ conversation drifted to a topic fresh on both their minds. As a member of Albemarle County’s Planning Commission, Edgerton is constantly confronted with the area’s housing dilemma. He had a suggestion for Frazier Bell. Had he ever heard of something called a community land trust (CLT)?

Frazier Bell, chairman of the interim Board of Directors for the Thomas Jefferson Community Land Trust, says the TJCLT is “just one mechanism” in the effort to bring more affordable housing to the area.

A few years and a lot of research later, Bell is now the chairman of the interim Board of Directors for the Thomas Jefferson Community Land Trust (TJCLT), the latest area effort to help provide home ownership to those in need of a little boost. An idea first started in the 1960s, a CLT works simply by setting up a nonprofit that purchases property that it owns for perpetuity. The nonprofit then sells the houses on the property but retains ownership of the land that it’s on, thus keeping the overall housing costs down. “We act as a steward of the land,” says Bell.

The TJCLT is currently filing for incorporation as a nonprofit and hopes to be formed by the end of the year. At that point, they will have to start looking for land to purchase. “It’s a good time to start one of these,” says Bell, explaining that the current downturn in the housing market will make property cheaper.   

Money will also be a chief concern. TJCLT’s current plan calls for the development of 110 units over a five-year period at the cost of $8.5 million. Right now, they have little of that capital, but Bell says there are many potential sources of money, both federal and local funding, as well as any help they can get from private and other nonprofit groups.

“We’re just one mechanism,” Bell says, in the effort to bring more affordable housing to the area.
“It’s a piece of the puzzle,” says Theresa Tapscott, executive director of the Albemarle Housing Improvement Program. “A CLT would put people into home- ownership-type situations that otherwise wouldn’t be.”

Of course, not everyone is a fan of the idea of community land trusts. One of the main criticisms levied against it is based on the fact that, because land is not involved, it is only a limited type of home ownership. So while a CLT keeps housing prices down, it also significantly reduces the amount of money made on resale. “They get a fair return on their investment,” says Tapscott, noting that a buyer turned seller does reap the appreciation the actual house accrues for the time they lived in it. That and the prospect of keeping housing affordable are enough of an argument for the TJCLT, as far as Tapscott is concerned. “They can grow their personal wealth later on.”

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Scriptural Reasoning program alters traditional religion

In 1994, future UVA religion Professor Peter Ochs started an unusual but simple practice of having academics from the three religious traditions that share the Bible as a fundamental text gather to read scripture, whether it was the Torah, the New Testament, or the Koran.

“On a basic level, Scriptural Reasoning (SR) is an experiment where Jews, Christians and Muslims get in a room and start reading together and see what happens,” says UVA religion grad student Jacob Lynn Goodson. “It’s a basic but important level because historically it just hasn’t happened.”

Religion grad student Jacob Lynn Goodson appreciates how the Scriptural Reasoning program “forces me to be in conversation and dialogue with those outside my tradition.”

A lifelong Southern Baptist, Goodson encountered SR at a conference, and then was immersed in it when he came to UVA a few years ago and studied under Ochs. “One of the first things Peter did was force me to read the Bible,” Goodson says. “I saw through him a completely different way of reading and it really started to heal my own spiritual life.”

Now the grad student is the editor of the student published Journal of Scriptural Reasoning and one of the organizers of a four-day training session in SR taking place at UVA from July 20 to 23.

“My dad likes to tell me there’s probably an FBI file on me since I do this,” he says joking over coffee and a muffin at C’Ville Coffee, where I met him to talk about the practice that seems to offer a way to heal some of the divide between three of the world’s most powerful religions. The following are selections from our conversation.

C-VILLE: Is the point of SR to bring these normally divisive belief systems together in hopes of ironing out their differences? 

Jacob Goodson: We’re getting together to read scriptures together not to force everybody to get along, but to force a new kind of peace amongst the three. But I’ve never been to a session where the three groups agreed. There’s usually four arguments, not just between traditions but within. Yet, friendship is always the result.
As a theologian, that’s a real gift because it forces me to be in conversation and dialogue with those outside my tradition who at the same time remind us to stay grounded in our tradition—also reminding us of what that means.

I always read the New Testament differently after I’ve read it with a Muslim. It’s not that they’re right or have the reading, but the text becomes more living for me.

Have you found that engaging in SR tests your own beliefs by having you consider others’ interpretations?

At first it became less of my own because someone else is making a claim on it, so I depossess it. But then it becomes more my own because in that depossession it becomes more living and active for me because I see it being taken up by someone else who in my world is completely other to me. I grew up in Oklahoma. Not many Muslims in Oklahoma. 

In that sense the test is not one of challenging my faith and beliefs but rather it’s seeing that I no longer have possession of the Bible. Which is an evangelical tendency—this is our book, we know what it means. When I see it in the hands of someone else it becomes different for me.

It seems like SR would make it hard to exist in sectarian divisions, like in your own Southern Baptist faith.

For me, it’s been a healing process. I felt like the Bible was always kind of used against me, and not redemptively but correctively as kind of a rule book. I didn’t see where the spirit was a part of it. My reaction was to not read the Bible because I just couldn’t imagine reading it in a different way than I’d been taught. Then I got here.

SR was a return to scripture for me in new terms. I try to use those terms when I’m in church now. Let’s try to reread scripture rather than assume it means what it’s always meant for Baptists. Let’s see what a new result might be.

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City Council moved by recent killing

Last night’s City Council meeting was to be dominated by discussion of the re-bricking of the Downtown Mall but that was upstaged by the public comment period. First came Pastor William Coles who is the founder and president of the African American Male Forum. He gave a report of his group’s efforts to address issues facing local African Americans. Then came former homeless shelter director Joshua Bare to update council on everything he continues to do with the homeless, including the news that he has received funding to look for a site for a permanent shelter.

After local resident Raymond Mason discussed discrimination against black males in the city, Karen Waters of the Quality Community Council rose to talk about the recent killing of black male Joshua Magruder on Sixth Street SE. "It’s easier to get a gun than a job in this city," she said,  while questioning Charlottesville’s commitment to providing security at public housing sites.  Behind her sat a number of teens  from the neighborhood where 19-year-old Magruder  was shot. They stood to show their support for Waters’ words, then sat back down to wait for the councilors’ response.

Eventually, the forum was all councilor Holly Edwards after the mayor asked her if she had anything to add. A few sentences into what started out as a typical response, Edwards broke into a statement on community solidarity that had her breaking down into tears on a couple occasions while baring her soul. It was a rare but moving moment that left even my eyes moist. The following were (most of) her words:

    To Pastor Coles and Joshua Bare thanks again for coming forward to remind us of         the work that’s done in the community and the work that continues to need to be     done, and my condolences to the Magruder family. It frames things differently             because there’s so much work that we need to do as an entire community that it         makes some of the discussions that we have and some of the decisions that we         make seem so out of place. We have to get back in touch with what’s important and     what we value, but we seem to miss that until there’s a loss in the community. I         want us all to take advantage of this moment to decide what we all can do, what we     all can do to create a sense of community in every neighborhood.

The moment was powerful enough that when the council eventually voted to go forward with the re-bricking of the mall, they added a directive to explore hiring locals to do the work. “I’d like to think there would be an opportunity for a lot of people,” Edwards said.