
Budget efficiency studies all the rage

Last summer, the Albemarle County School Board contracted with the Commonwealth Educational Institute at Virginia Commonwealth University to conduct a “Resource Utilization Study” to make sure that the school division practices an efficient use of its resources.

“In hindsight, it was brilliant,” says at-large School Board member Brian Wheeler of that decision. Five months later, the Institute returned with its recommendations and county school Superintendent Pam Moran acted on them almost immediately.

"In hindsight, it was brilliant," says county School Board member Brian Wheeler of the decision to commission an efficiency study for county schools.

“It helped us so much in going through the budget process,” says Wheeler. Among the recommendations was a cut in the school’s central office expenditures for staffing that amounted to $400,000. (The School Board ended up with a $151 million budget for the 2008-2009 year, a 2.8 percent increase over the previous year.)

According to Wheeler, the immediate savings produced by the study will likely be overshadowed by its long-term benefits. For instance, the Institute recommended a more efficient routing of school buses and found that the school’s existing buildings have a capacity for up to 1,600 more students.

“A year from now, we will have a number that is lower than it is today,” he says of the budget.

The perceived success of the county schools with the study, which cost $100,000, has spurred the city schools to undertake a similar strategy. Earlier this month, they signed up with the Virginia Department of Planning and Budget for a top-to-bottom evaluation of how they use their resources, which will cost them less than it did the county. Charlottesville schools will likely only have to pay around $30,000. Under their arrangement, the state will pay three-fourths of the cost—as long as 50 percent of the state’s recommendations are implemented. The county schools had no such prescription with their study.

The trend is catching on at the larger locality level as well. On May 7, a beleaguered Board of Supervisors—in the face of lower than expected revenues and harsh citizen criticism—directed county staff to prepare a scope of work (due in early July) for a similar outside study of its $334 million budget.

“We’re always looking for ways to cut waste,” explains Supervisor Lindsay Dorrier. “Everything has to be conserved because these are tough times.” He likens the eventual study to “preventative maintenance for an automobile.” Four county departments are already undergoing an internal assessment under the Baldridge National Quality Program, another means of assessing efficiency.

With the rest of the area pursuing such studies, the city seems close behind. At its next meeting, City Council will decide whether to commission an efficiency study. “It’s good to see whether we are using resources fairly or not,” says Councilor Satyendra Huja. “Are we getting our money’s worth?”

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UVA hires new play-by-play announcer

UVA sports blogs are alive with the news of a new hire for play-by-play announcer. His name is Dave Koehn and he comes from the University of Vermont where he served as the “Voice of the Catamounts” since 2005. A 1999 graduate of Kansas, Koehn also worked on the airwaves with the football, basketball and baseball programs at Texas Lutheran University and Sam Houston State.

The position has been vacant since late April when longtime announcer Mac McDonald‘s resignation was announced. The Director of Broadcasting for the Virginia Sports Network since 1996 said he was leaving for the vague purpose of pursuing other interests.“It wasn’t the university’s choice,” McDonald told the Roanoke Times. “It was mine. I was the one who said, ‘Hey, this is a great time for me.’ I have been contacted and there are some really neat things in the works but I can’t really say because it affects other people.”

Legal Aid forces cable company to investigate immigrant pay

Under pressure from immigrants rights groups including the Charlottesville-based Legal Aid Justice Center, the Internet and cable provider Verizon Communications announced yesterday that it might bar certain of its contractors from work if it finds   they withheld pay from immigrant laborers who dug trenches for the company’s fiber optic cables in the Washington area. The concession came a day before protests that are scheduled to happen today in front of the company’s D.C. headquarters.

The Justice Center along with CASA and the Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs have pressed Verizon on the issue since 2006 with little success so far. The cable company typically hires contractors who then hire subcontractors who hire immigrant labor, thus creating a couple degrees of separation for Verizon when it comes to the unpaid immigrants. "Verizon has known about these problems for some time," said Tim Freilich, a lawyer with the Justice Center’s Immigrant Advocacy Program. "They need to ensure payment now."

Legal Aid’s Tim Freilich says Verizon needs to pay its immigrant labor now.

Assault on vehicles on West Main Street leads to two felonies against three teens

According to a resident of W. Main Street (who wishes to remain anonymous as a victim of a crime), he was awakened Tuesday morning around 3 or 4am by a police officer knocking on his door—who told him that his car was on fire. When he went down to the parking lot, a fire truck and two squad cars were parked outside. Only the singed frame of his vehicle was left and all the windows were smashed out.

“It was a strange night,” he says.

The destruction of his car was actually part of a larger spree involving three teenagers between the ages of 14 and 16, who smashed out the windows of several cars with hammers and crowbars. The W. Main Street resident’s car was burned from a flare tossed in by the teens. It was the only car burned.

All three teens have been charged with two felonies each: a breaking and entering charge and also a charge for burning of a vehicle. All three teens are city residents and juveniles so their names have not been released. According to city spokesperson Ric Barrick, they were released on their own recognizance or to their parents.


Water, sewer, gas and electric bills to rise

As the temperatures rise, so do our utilities. City Council decided June 16 (after C-VILLE went to press) whether to raise water rates by 5 percent while county residents’ rates will for sure go up almost 13 percent. Effective July 1, gas rates will also climb $2 and the county was just notified of Dominion Virginia Power’s application to revise its “fuel factor,” taking prices up for their services by 18 percent.

“It’s inevitable but unfortunate,” says City Councilor Holly Edwards. “I’m concerned that people are struggling to pay bills.”

“It’s not too much, but it’s something,” says Ellen Steele, who coordinates the county Department of Social Services’ utility assistance programs.

“The reason I worry about it is because I’m on a fixed income,” says Curtis Overby. The 48-year-old Belmont native lives on a disability check from the government and has been to the hospital three times in the past week for hernia-related issues he has battled for years—a big bandage stretching down his belly as proof.

After rent and bills, Overby estimates he is left with $15 or $20 for the month (food stamps allow him to purchase food). His landlord pays for water, but a rise in rates might cause trouble. “That means my landlord is paying more,” he says. “It could raise my rent.”

While the possibility looms, there is actually a source of temporary relief for someone in his position. Beginning June 16, both the city and county social services started offering cooling assistance under a state-funded, low-income energy program that also provides help with fuel costs in the wintertime. Unlike the winter assistance, the summer program only applies to a household with a “vulnerable” person.

To fall under that distinction, you must be over 60 or under 6, or, like Overby, receive certain types of disability. Even if disability is received, the recipient must fall under certain income guidelines. As set by the state, a household of two must make less than $1,517 a month, and a household of one must make less than $1,127 a month. Overby makes less than $600, which would free him up for a potential $150 this summer—for the period of June 16 through August 15—for help with purchasing equipment like fans or as help with an electricity bill.

“It’s not too much, but it’s something,” says Ellen Steele, who supervises the program for the county’s Department of Social Services. Last year, the county served around 300 households each through the cooling program while the city served 459. As there is a greater need for assistance when it is cold, the cooling funds are actually limited and could run out before mid-August.

“We’ve got money to spend,” says Rebecca Rush, outreach coordinator for the Community Energy Conservation Program (CECP). With state and federal funding, CECP offers a more permanent approach to cutting the costs of utilities for those who live within 130-150 percent of the federal poverty income guidelines, which is about $21,000 annually for a family of four.

“Our goal and our focus is to make sure the home is insulated properly,” says Rush. According to her, CECP actions like weather stripping will reduce cooling and heating bills by 25-30 percent. Applicants will likely experience a two- to six-month wait.

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Prof studies jail program

“Just because it sounds and feels good doesn’t mean it’s effective,” says Ross Carew. He is assistant director of Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR), a corrections and rehabilitation program for the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail, which has commissioned a UVA study of a recently added re-entry program.

Previous coverage:

Inmates prepare for life after jail
Five women graduate from re-entry program

Begun in 2005 for men (and in 2007 for women), New Horizons is an intensive eight-week course that aims to prepare inmates for their life outside. Skills like CPR are taught alongside financial planning.

“We’re conducting an evaluation of what we’re doing right now,” says UVA professor and clinical psychologist Ann Loper, who has dedicated her career to studying the effects of prison on inmates. “What kind of things are we doing that are helpful, and what kind of people does it help?”

Loper and her students also taught a parenting skills class for the New Horizons students who just graduated. Now, she is preoccupied with collecting the initial information on departing inmates. While Loper currently has 50 people in the nascent study, she is hoping to follow at least 200, but says the jail poses unique challenges. Because it is regional, there is a transitory population. Some people may only be there for a few days, some a few months, others years.

As a result, she describes the study as an “evaluation,” one that will track three different groups of prisoners: those who have had the re-entry program; those whose sentence is too short for New Horizons; and a third class who refused any services at all. Loper will conduct regular followups over the next year, beginning July 1.

Psychology Professor Ann Loper consults with Patricia L. Smith, executive director of OAR. The two are collaborating on a study of former Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail inmates.

“We’ll call them up,” she says, “and ask if there’s anything you learned that has helped you.” By doing so, Loper and her team will be able to tailor the program to inmates and evaluate how well the program is working.

At this point, New Horizons is largely taught by volunteers—so far, neither the jail nor OAR have sought state or local funding. Even though the idea of equipping outgoing prisoners with life skills seems logical, the jail’s program is actually a little controversial.

“Lots of prisons act as warehouses,” says Carew, a 10-year veteran of OAR. He says that the pre- and post-release programs are a progressive alternative to what most of the states’ correctional facilities offer.

“It’s more about how somebody is going to be three years from now than whether they’ve peed in a cup,” he says, adding that they are lucky to be in Charlottesville where so many services (like Region Ten) are available. “We want you to walk out a better person.”

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Special effects creator Stan Winston dead at 62

We are sad to announce that UVA grad Stan Winston—a renowned makeup, creature- and visual-effects wizard whose work on Aliens, Terminator 2: Judgment Day and Jurassic Park earned him four Academy Awards—has died at the age of 62 from multiple myeloma. Winston was also a longtime supporter and board member of the Virginia Film Festival—and was honored by the festival in 1999. To support the festival one particular year, Winston donated a Velociraptor eyeball—from his work on the Jurassic Park movies.

"The entertainment industry has lost a genius and I lost one of my best friends," Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, of Terminator fame, said in a statement Monday. "Stan’s work and four Oscars speak for themselves and will live on forever."

In addition to those films, he is responsible for the badass 14-foot-tall Alien Queen in Aliens, the extraterrestrial walrus-like creature in Predator, the futuristic cyborgs in the Terminator movies, and the life-size dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park movies. Winston also created the makeup, scissors and blade appendages for Edward Scissorhands. Most recently, he and his team created the crystal skeletons for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and the suits for Iron Man and his 10-foot-tall super-villain the Iron Monger in Iron Man.


Council picks interchange for MCP

As growth extends throughout the city and county, the roads around and through Charlottesville have become ever more crowded. To alleviate some of the congestion, area officials have moved forward with two controversial projects, the Meadowcreek Parkway (MCP) and Eastern Connector. Both would pass through a city park—McIntire and Pen parks, respectively.

City Council held a June 4 work session on the intersection for the Meadowcreek Parkway (MCP). After failing to approve the roundabout design ratified by the Interchange steering committee, Council chose a smaller diamond intersection and directed the engineering team to refine that option. The work session came two days after a 3-2 Council vote to grant an easement for city-owned land in the county for parkway construction. Almost five acres will be permanently used for the road, while another 3.7 acres will be temporarily held during the project’s construction.

A steering committee has picked an alignment through Pen Park for the proposed four-lane Eastern Connector.

Previous C-VILLE coverage:

Council stops interchange dead in its tracks
School Board likely to give away fields for parkway

Eastern connector limps along
Better numbers to be gathered

Agency says MCP needs another look
DHR: Environmental assessment may not go far enough

Pick one: public gets a look at last two interchange designs
A vocal opposition shows up at the MCP public hearing

Council makes final step towards MCP
Norris forced to choose between principle and pragmatism

Meadowcreek Parkway to-do list in city
Council approves two designs for 250 interchange

MCP may have future legal problems
Parkway project’s segmentation could be illegal

Commission approves MCP interchange
Commissioner Lucy frustrated with final review

Parkway interchange design gets support
Committee likes roundabout design as new city gateway

State funding problems affect local roads
Meadowcreek Parkway could be stalled

County approves road priorities
Meadowcreek Parkway tops the list

The narrow vote has led Stratton Salidis, longstanding opponent of the Parkway, to question its validity under the state constitution. He believes that the vote required a “supermajority,” three-fourths of Council, for approval.

In 2004, the state attorney general ruled that a “supermajority” was not necessary to put a nine-acre stretch of McIntire Park in temporary easement. The most recent vote, however, concerned a permanent easement and involves a different parcel, so the requirement of a higher consensus could apply.

Meanwhile, the Eastern Connector Steering Committee recently decided to move forward with a plan for a four-lane connection between Rio Road and Route 20, but over the objections of Committee member and former city councilor Kevin Lynch.

“I don’t want to see four lanes used as a reason to not build the Eastern Connector,” he says. From his vantage, the decision ignores a political reality that will mean the road’s defeat. Instead, Lynch has proposed a two-lane alternative that would still cut through Pen Park but along an access road that already exists.

Various residents of the area, most notably Sarah Hendley, have already mounted opposition to the connector because it goes through Pen Park. Lynch believes that the access road route would minimize the impact.

“It’s the least bad alternative,” he says. “That’s what we’re down to.” The city and county will not be presented with the steering committee’s recommendations until this fall at the earliest.

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Woolen Mills on path to local historic district

On June 2, North Carolina resident Janet Leitch stood before Charlottesville’s City Council to speak about the historic seven-acre estate on East Market Street in the Woolen Mills neighborhood where she grew up.

“I was going to write a letter but then just decided to come up,” she says. During the public comment period, Leitch implored the city to protect the land her grandfather, James Branham, had farmed for nearly three decades of the last century.

Janet Leitch remembers when 1512 E. Market St. was a farm tended by her grandfather, with corn, wheat, cattle and a smokehouse. Now, the inadvertant loss of some of the land’s historic preservation could expedite an entire Woolen Mills historic district.

“He worked it all the time, you never saw a weed,” Leitch says. There was a front garden with every kind of vegetable, she says, while in the back field behind their house her grandfather grew corn, wheat, and melons. Horses and cows roamed some of the land, as did the hogs that were killed and cured in a smokehouse that was her grandfather’s prized possession.

Now the smokehouse is gone, as is some of the backfield where a mini-storage facility was erected in 2001 by current owner Preston Coiner.

For years, Leitch assumed her family’s estate was protected from development. In 1993, Charlottesville’s City Council designated it an individually protected property (IPP), preventing any construction or alteration of structures on that parcel (or any future subdivisions thereof) without a hearing before the Board of Architectural Review.

However, the land was also sold and first subdivided in 1989 by then owner Blake Hurt. In 1996, the acreage was sold to Coiner, who subdivided the parcel and redrew its boundary lines on various occasions. Then, when part of the property was subdivided in 2001, a city staffer forgot to add the new parcels to the protected properties list. Two years later, when the city undertook a broad rezoning of Charlottesville, no one caught the mistake. Somehow, only the parcel the actual house sat on was protected. The field to the west was not.

More than five years later, two Woolen Mills residents—Bill Emory and Victoria Dunham—discovered the error and have spent the last year and a half trying to get the IPP status restored. A hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals turned into a lawsuit against the city that was recently dropped.

The latest attempt to restore the entire acreage’s IPP status came before City Council on June 2 in the form of a resolution. Council opted not to restore the IPP status and instead to expedite a survey already underway for the Woolen Mills neighborhood for state and national register recognition. Council recommended that local historic status also be sought for the area, which would bring it under BAR review.

“We believe this is a more appropriate remedy,” says Jim Tolbert, director of the city’s Neighborhood Development Services.

“Will that be adequate to protect this property?” asks Dunham, ever skeptical of the city. “We’ll see.”

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Corner brawl between Hoffmans and UVA wrestlers nets two misdemeanor pleas

This time yesterday Jason Hoffman was sitting behind a table in Charlottesville’s circuit court listening to two attorneys discuss what happened to him one night last summer. First was prosecutor Claude Worrell, who had charged him with a felony for punching UVA wrestler Matthew Federici on June 30. In Worrell’s description of the night, too much drinking had led to a drunken brawl that started in the Biltmore but spilled out onto the streets. There was apparently more than one altercation that only ended when the 22-year-old blindsided the senior wrestler. “How do you be fair in criminalizing unlawful conduct?” he asked Judge Edward Hogshire. As a result, Worrell proposed a reduced charge of disorderly conduct, which is only a misdemeanor. “This seems like an appropriate resolution to a large mess.”

Then came Hoffman’s attorney to rebut much of what Worrell said. As he told it, Hoffman was jumped by a mob of wrestlers gone berserk who beat him and his younger brother Sam. When Hoffman hit one of the wrestlers in the head he was only acting in self defense. “We think this compromise is good,” Steve Rosenfield told Hogshire anyway. The morning had originally been planned for a jury trial but a last-minute plea offer negated what might have been a parade of witnesses, all with different versions of the night’s events.

"There is something in each of the witnesses for everybody," Worrell said, wrapping up after Rosenfield finished. Then the plea was accepted by Hogshire who admonished Hoffman in a fatherly fashion. "I hope there’s some maturation going on," he said, giving a 30-day suspended sentence.

With that, Worrell, Rosenfield, and Hoffman (with dad, mom, and brother in tow) walked the couple blocks to General District Court to resolve more charges relating to the same night and same fight. Eight months after the debacle, the police finally launched an investigation into exactly what happened between the Hoffmans and the wrestlers. Despite all the tales of abuse, only three misdemeanors were handed out, two to wrestlers and another for Hoffman. In General District Court, the latter’s was dropped on account of his circuit court plea. One of the wrestler’s was also dropped while freshman Daniel Gonsor received the same exact plea as Hoffman, even down to the suspended sentence.

The tit-for-tat pleas don’t necessarily mean the end of the so-called "mess." Worrell said an investigation is still ongoing to determine if more charges should be filed. "I don’t know how to account for the many witnesses that saw Jason and Sam attacked by a mob," said Rosenfield afterwards. Jason’s father Gary says he and his family will cooperate with the investigation and continue to press for mob charges to be filed against the UVA wrestlers.

UVA wrestler Daniel Gonsor plead guilty yesterday to giving Jason Hoffman a shiner on June 30, 2007, the same night Hoffman hit another wrestler.