The year ahead

Well, it’s been a fun ride, people. Just wanted to thank everyone for reading, and for all the insightful and intelligent comments. Some of you wrote nearly as much as I did! Plus, the discussion was remarkably civil — I didn’t need to weed out a single schmuck.
I continue to be amazed at the prospect of a having a smart, respectable president, and an administration that does not feel like an elaborate charade. It has been so long, I’m still getting used to the idea. Here’s hoping that Obama avoids the trap of hypercautious triangulation, and instead uses his rhetorical brilliance to push for real progress. Opportunities like these don’t come along very often.
McCain’s concession speech was indeed gracious, and had he acted more like that throughout the campaign, I think the race would have been closer. Let us hope that as he makes nice again with the media, no one entirely forgets how he pandered to the worst in people. With that in mind, I would just like to say: in your face, you big douchenozzle.
But really, I’m not thinking all that much about McCain right now; I just continue to be amazed by almost otherworldly headlines like "OBAMA SETTING UP TRANSITION TEAM." It’s like a small detail I would have drawn in a cartoon fantasizing about the end of the Bush administration. Except it’s real. (My smile will turn into a frown, though, if he picks Larry Summers as Treasury Secretary.)
I’ve been especially heartened by the images of celebrations around the world. To echo Nicholas Kristof’s column from today, whatever Obama actually manages to achieve, or not, in terms of policy, the symbolism of his victory is itself a great accomplishment. He probably did more for the cause of democracy in one night than the neocons have tried to do at gunpoint for years.
When I began this blog in its current form, a couple weeks after my coverage of the Democratic National Convention, I half expected it to be an exercise in masochism. McCain and Palin were riding high in the polls following her hard-edged acceptance speech at the RNC. Obama was under constant attack. The course of events seemed all too familiar.
And then something happened. Many things, actually. The first was Tina Fey’s Palin impersonation on SNL. I had just asked in a post whether late-night comedians were making fun of Palin in any meaningful way, and sure enough, a commenter linked to the first Fey skit that had run a couple days earlier. All the tension that had been building up over the Palin nomination suddenly found an outlet. Her self-sabotage in the Gibson and Couric interviews only added fuel to the fire. Then came the financial meltdown, Obama’s steady debate performances, and McCain’s spastic devolution.
More generally, I see a shift in the culture away from the Bush-Cheney zeitgeist. In 2004, I wrote that America had become a "snorting, stomping, hate-filled beast" that I no longer recognized from my childhood. Pseudo-patriotism, extreme militarism, and self-righteous, jaw-jutting, macho posturing ruled the day. At times it felt like the country had literally become a giant Hummer. It seemed like that mindset would never end.
Those attitudes are certainly still around, but they’ve curdled somewhat. Katrina, Iraq, and the economy have had a humbling effect. Politicians can no longer get away with dividing the country into "real" and "fake" portions. Yet the McCain campaign acted as though it were stuck in 2004. And why wouldn’t they? The same people who ran Bush’s 2004 campaign were calling the shots.
Not all the news has been good, however. The passage of Proposition 8 in California shows that many of the same voters who helped achieve one civil rights milestone have set back another. Oppression can be depressing that way.
Also frustrating is the possibility that Perriello could lose to Goode by a mere handful of votes. While I was having dinner at a restaurant last night, I overheard a young woman — almost certainly a UVA undergrad — remark on the congressional race. She knew nothing about either candidate, so she decided to vote for the one with "the funny name" which, according to her, was Goode. I kid you not.
I’m reporting live from the living room of one Kristin Adolfson, which is packed with Obama supporters biting their nails over Virginia. (Oh, the lengths I go to for you people!) Both Obama and Perriello are neck-and-neck. You could cut the tension with a cheese knife…
[UPDATED 2:17am] Just back from the Gravity Lounge, where Tom Perriello and the C-ville Dems cheered the great news tonight in Virginia.
More later… Obama is about to give his victory speech!
Okay, I’m back home now. A few more pics:
These photos would be more effective if they also included the WOOOOOs!
A crowd gathers outside the C-VILLE office to watch McCain’s concession speech
This New York Times headline does away with verbs entirely
While the Downtown Mall did not quite reach World Series victory-level craziness, there were still plenty of assorted "WOO!"s, "OBAMA!"s, and I distinctly recall a lone dude who just erupted in a "F*CK YEAH!"
In case you were wondering, the Final Countdown will continue through the end of this week. I’m sure there will still be plenty to talk about for the next few days.
Before heading to the Republicans’ party at Rivals Sports Bar, I decided to fortify myself with free ice cream from the Ben & Jerry’s at Barracks Road. B&J was giving out free ice cream to "all voters" (actually, everyone) between 5-8pm.
Let me just say that free ice cream is doing extremely well among Charlottesville voters. There were more people there than at my polling place.
And Obama has just won my home state of Pennsylvania! WOO! Go Keystone State!
So, stuffed with Vanilla Heath Bar Crunch, I headed up to the epicenter of local GOP festivities at Rivals in Albemarle Square, next to the Putt-Putt (I just wanted to say Putt-Putt). Here’s a shot of the signage outside:
Inside, I caught former City Councilor Rob Schilling chatting with a fellow partygoer:
It was early in the evening, so the crowd was still forming. Here are some young Repubs gettin’ their election on:
And then, it must be said, I took off for bluer climes.
I woke up this morning with the sense that there’s some task I need to do, but I can’t quite put my finger on it, dammit. No wait, don’t say anything — it’ll come to me.
Oh yeah! Choose the next leader of the free world. Right on.
If you haven’t already voted, please do — and preferably for Obama-Biden. It’s time to put the grownups back in charge. As extra motivation, I give you this hypothetical opening line of Palin’s victory speech:
"My fellow real Americans, thank you sooo much for putting country first and electing John McCain and me in this election!"
If that doesn’t scare your trousers off, and you absolutely, positively cannot bring yourself to vote for Obama, please consider writing in the Phillie Phanatic.
(Photo credit: Googie Man on Wikimedia Commons)
He’s big, green, furry, and pear-shaped! What more could you want in a president?
Also, Charlottesvillians, I urge you to cast your ballot for Mark the Warner and Tom the Perriello!
And whatever you do, don’t miss tonight’s live blogging as I drive around town in my Election Night Party Rover in search of fun. Feel free to send me photos of your own election night celebration, and maybe I’ll post ’em here! Email to jen {@t} slowpokecomics {döt} com
The Washington Post’s "Comics Riffs" blog is reporting that Garry Trudeau has drawn a Doonesbury cartoon for Wednesday assuming an Obama victory. Apparently a backup strip is being made available to editors in the event that things go horribly, horribly awry. Other cartoonists (myself included) were asked to make election predictions in a different post on the same blog. Some are more serious than others; I pretty much say what I’ve said here.
Also, I noticed a couple new Obama signs in my neck of the woods, one of them in front of a home with lots of rusting cars and other assorted junk scattered on the lawn (not unlike the property that commenter Ben described the other day). So there’s one Bubba who hasn’t fallen for Joe the Plumber.
More later today…
Stuck at home watching the returns on your living room couch? Join the Final Countdown! I’ll be roaming around town in my custom-built Election Night Party Rover, chronicling the festivities.
You’ll recall in an earlier post I mentioned something about a permit being issued for crowds on the Downtown Mall on Tuesday night. Here’s the scoop: the C-ville Dems are hosting their election party at the Gravity Lounge, beginning at 6:30pm. According to former City Councilor Kevin Lynch, the Dems are expecting the place to be packed; Gravity can only accommodate about 300. To accomodate spillover, the City has approved a permit for crowds to gather outside until midnight (a permit is required for groups over 25).
In any event, we’ll be there checking out the scene. This blog, of course, heartily encourages merrymaking in the street should Obama prevail. (Safe and legal merrymaking of the party-horn variety, that is — not the overturned car variety. The Final Countdown does not want to deal with a flipped Rover!)
On the other hand, if McCain wins, this blog recommends the swift application of the fermented beverage of your choice within the confines of your own living quarters.
[UPDATE: Send me your election party photos! Email jen {@t} slowpokecomics {döt} com ]