
Preview: SuperCLAWs battle for the cape and a cause

The growing CLAW league is strong enough for a man, but made for a woman like Sistah Mary Slammer (pictured). (Photo by Billy Hunt)

The house is packed with fans fidgeting in anticipation of the arrival of their favorite wrestling personalities. A foul mouthed MC takes center stage, building excitement with the crowd. Fans explode from their seats, screaming as the wrestlers, followed by their obligatory entourages and smack talkin’ managers, parade through the venue to take their places. Sounds like CM Punk vs. Undertaker. But no, this is SuperCLAW, the First Annual Super Championship of Lady Arm Wrestlers, where eight costumed and menacingly monikered women compete for the title of National CLAW Champion and the chance to don the coveted blue and red Cape de CLAW.

The concept of a ladies arm wrestling league (hatched from a joking conversation between Jennifer Hoyt Tidwell and her workout buddy, Jodie Plaisance) has mushroomed from the first Charlottesville Lady Arm Wrestlers (CLAW) bout in the back room of The Blue Moon Diner in early 2008 to the 18-league national phenomenon CLAW USA. The CLAW mission, “To empower women and strengthen local communities through theater, arm wrestling and philanthropy,” has resulted in donations in excess of $200,000 to charities from Portland, Oregon, to Portland, Maine. SuperCLAW offers the opportunity for regional champs like Charlottesville’s Kara “Homewrecker” Dawson, Chicago’s Sabrina “Armageddon” Pratt and New Orleans’ Katrina “Sistah Mary Slammer” Weschler to support charities like the Center for Anti-violence Education and the FERTILE Foundation, by equally dividing up the night’s proceeds among the contestants.

Besides philanthropy, CLAW gives women the opportunity to demonstrate myriad strengths. “What’s empowering about the theatrical lady arm wrestling phenomenon is the experience of women creating personas that allow them some form of catharsis or self-expression or social commentary,” said Tidwell. Personas like Tinker Hell, Tragedy Ann and Malice in Wonderland have graced past CLAW events.

“Performing at a ladies arm wrestling event allows women to display the full breadth of their strengths—physical, comedic, creative, altruistic, organizational—in a very public way for their community.” One-time wrestler and current volunteer Denise Stewart said, “The model has been thought through and there is a wacky examination of female themes/roles, but the organization of it is business-like.” Weschler describes the personal empowerment she feels when performing as Sistah Mary Slammer: “When I adorn my neck with rosaries and tighten the velcro on my sensible shoes and adjust the fit of my lace gloves, I feel I represent an incredible sect of women who hardly ever receive the credit they deserve. And it’s not just women of the church, but women everywhere who work hard to do good and rarely receive the acknowledgement they should.”

In addition to some brute strength, the SuperCLAW crowd can expect to see dance offs, staring contests (and other silly tie-breakers), and live music from local band We Are Star Children (creators of the CLAW anthem, “I Love My CLAW”) and award-winning, feminine activists band BETTY.

“Strength and entertainment and community and women…it’s like CLAW and BETTY were made for each other,” said BETTY member, Amy Ziff. Bandmate Alyson Palmer added, “Our mission from the outset has been the empowerment of women and girls. We do it through harmony and a great show. CLAW does it through ‘arm money’ and a great show.” Pratt sums up the zeitgeist of a CLAW event: “When I invite people to my matches, I always say, ‘I am inviting you to the ride of your life. This isn’t a show, it’s an experience’.”

SuperCLAW takes over The Jefferson Theater on Saturday, June 16.  Doors open at 8pm.


Arts Extra: Missoula Childrens Theatre gets speedy

On June 18th, a two person actor/director team from the renowned Missoula Children’s Theater (MCT), will descend on the Paramount Theater with scenery, costumes, props, lights and make-up to train young wanna be Thespians and put on a musical in one week. Yeah, right! Even the most seasoned performer will tell you it is nearly impossible to put up a quality full-blown production in just six days. But amazingly it happens due to MCT’s expertise and tried formula for success.

MCT co-founders Jim Caron and Don Collins started the educational residencies 37 years ago when they needed seven dwarves for a touring production of Snow White and were uncomfortable traveling long distances with children in tow. “Now MCT has 47 actor/director teams who visit over 1,200 communities in all 50 states and 16 foreign countries working with about 65,000 kids who perform for about 750,000 collective audience members,” says Chelle Robinson, Tour Marketing Associate at MCT.

The program is more popular than ever as economically challenged school systems saddled with pressure to perform on SOL’s are cutting performing arts programs. “We are filled to capacity for both residencies this summer with a substantial waiting list for each,” says Paramount Theater Education Coordinator, Cathy von Storch who brought MCT to the Paramount in 2009 where it quickly doubled in size from one week–long residency to two. “MCT’s programs offer kids the chance to spark creative expression and learn commitment, teamwork, focus and follow through,” says Robinson of the intrinsic value in musical theater education. Sophia Brook (13) and her sister Chloe (11) have each been participating in the MCT program since 1st grade. “It’s a good opportunity for me to push myself to see what I’m capable of,” Sophia says. For children who may not crave the limelight but enjoy being part of the creative process MCT offers Assistant Director positions. Marc Rabourdin, 14, enjoys working with the technical aspects of the MCT productions. He says, “I’m not really into being an actor, but I really like the chance to learn the stuff behind the scenes, like sound and lighting.”


Missoula Childrens Theatre makes local magic in every town they visit.

One hundred twenty local children (grades 1-12) will participate in performances of The Frog Prince and Hansel and Gretel while kids who attend various other summer programs like the Boys and Girls Club will benefit from six individual drama workshops offered by the visiting MCT professionals. Lisa Brook, mother of Sophie and Chloe summarizes, “Our girls have been doing MCT shows for 7 years now, and every time, I am amazed to see everything come together at the end. Every year we look forward to the new production and are never disappointed.” 

Missoula Childrens Theatre will hold a public performance of The Frog Prince on June 23 and Hansel and Gretel on June 30.  More information can be found at


C-VILLE Kids: Single mom in a dating world

In 2010, I was seeing Duane*. My 10-year-old daughter knew I had gone out with him a few times, but she hadn’t met him. He and I had had a late lunch date and were getting into a little afternoon necking at home on my couch when I heard the mailbox open outside the front door. My daughter was supposed to be at her piano lesson, but she had obviously forgotten and come home. It was her job to check the mail, so I knew I had about four seconds to grab my top (fortunately, it was the only item of clothing that was off at the time) and dash upstairs to my bedroom. With ninja stealth and speed I jumped off the couch, scooping up my tossed clothing, and told my date that my daughter was home and he should pick up a magazine and put his bare feet up on the ottoman. He followed suit as I made it upstairs in the nick of time. I got my shirt on and came downstairs as if I had just popped up there to use the restroom. “Hello, Pumpkin. This is Duane. He just stopped by for a cup of tea. Did you forget your piano lesson today?” She was so flustered about forgetting her lesson she never gave his presence another thought. We all left immediately and Duane and I had a good laugh about it later.

*Name has been changed.


'Tis Pity She's A Whore; American Shakespeare Center's Blackfriars Playhouse; Through June 16

For some of us it is the twisted tales that are most meaningful. They prove, by revealing the darker side of humanity to be cautionary, designed to inspire us to be better people. John Ford’s ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore is one of those stories—a Romeo and Juliet gone bad, ripe with dastardly murder plots, jealousy, incest, and betrayals.

In his program notes on the play, director Jim Warren writes, “This play starts like it could be Romeo and Juliet, except for the fact that this star-crossed couple is a brother and his sister. Giovanni pursues Annabella like Romeo goes after Juliet; she later repents, but it’s a big hot mess from beginning to end.” Plotwise he is right. By the end the set is littered with dead bodies and the audience is left to contemplate inequalities between the sexes, the classes, and the institutions that foster them. Directorially the play is fairly tight—until the end—where it kind of falls apart with overacting and some awkward blocking.

The basic plot goes something like this: Boy is obsessed with girl who happens to be his sister. Boy gets girl. Girl gets pregnant and marries someone else—quickly. Husband discovers girl’s ruined condition and goes postal with his desire to punish her and her lover while other characters drop like flies via various modes of treachery. Patrick Earl (Giovanni the brother), Denice Mahler (Annabella the sister) and Jake Mahler (Soranzo) play the triangle of lovers. Warren throws a little inside joke in his casting here as the two Mahlers are married in real life thus making the more uncomfortable scenes between them onstage a little more… um, uncomfortable. To add to the discomfort, Ford’s dialogue between the two incestuous lovers is so beautiful and evocative of the intensity and tenderness of forbidden love, the audience is at once sympathetic and repelled.

Earl and Ms. Mahler do a great job with the love scenes but both fall into the pit of overacting hell at other points in the show. Earl is (laughingly) alive as he sits at a table with multiple stab wounds and spouts lines in a normal voice. Ms. Mahler gets way too animated whenever anything bad happens to Annabella, from vomiting to dying. Stephanie Holiday Earl (yes, she is married to Patrick) is a sexy, angry, spurned seductress as Hippolita, but also goes overboard in her death scene. These are more director mistakes than actors’ faults. Eugene Douglas is brilliant as the calm, conniving servant Vasques, who literally gets away with murder. He delivers one of the best lines, “I rejoice that a Spaniard outwitted an Italian
in this revenge!” summarizing the shallow motivations of the characters in the play.

’Tis Pity She’s a Whore is not all dark and tragic, however. There must be some light in order for darkness to be most poignant, and as Warren puts it, “There’s some darn funny
stuff in this play too.” That funny stuff comes in the form of Rick Blunt’s Bergetto, a foppish fool played with such honesty and comedic perfection it is more than sad symbolism when
he dies at the end of the first act, sucking all that is sweet and charming out of this play.
The message of ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore is that anger and revenge perpetuate like ripples in a pool resulting in unnecessary destruction. It is as rough a way to learn that lesson as watching Pulp Fiction is to learn Bible verses. Well worth it for those of us who like the dark.


UVA drama department’s amazing set list

Lavahn Hoh “literally wrote the book on theatrical special effects” and designed the sets for Elephant’s Graveyard (pictured). (Photo courtesy of UVA Drama Department)

If you attended University of Virginia drama department’s production of Romeo and Juliet you saw something truly beautiful—and I don’t mean a tender rendition of Shakespeare’s most famous tragic love story. I mean the set. An intricate multilevel combination of stairs and faux cast iron flourishes interwoven with seeming miles of flowering vines, tall turn-of-the-last-century street lamps, and ragged fly drapes implying dangling Spanish moss all washed in a humid haze of luscious pink, blue, and purple lights. It was stunning.

Though the overall production was good, the scenery stole the show for me. (Having spent 12 years married to a scenic carpenter, five of which he co-owned the largest scenery shop in the mid-Atlantic, I know a few things about set design and construction.) Scenic design student Jeffrey Kmiec’s set showed off like a prima ballerina, spinning about the stage, posing and offering a statement. It was a high-quality professional set—a surprising find at the college level.

UVA’s atypical scenic success is attributed by Tom Bloom, chair of the drama department and head of the master of fine arts scene design program, to the exceptional people involved. “Where we are in the high caliber of our sets is credited to David Weiss and LaVahn Hoh. These two men set the bar for our program,” he says. Weiss who along with Hoh, literally wrote the book on theatrical special effects and teaches a course on the subject, established UVA’s design and technology program in 1974. It also helps to have superstar students. Bloom attends events like the University Resident Theater Association auditions to actively recruit extraordinary students. “We look for the best,” he notes. Students are accepted and work closely with the staff in a three-year rotation.

Kmiec, a recent MFA Drama graduate, was recruited to the school in this way. In addition to Romeo and Juliet he designed Pippin, Glass Menagerie, and Troy is Burning at UVA but had already earned some professional cred with set designs for the Illinois Shakespeare Festival, Illinois Central College, and for a summer youth arts program outside of Chicago. He was attracted to UVA by the ample opportunities the department offers, which make him more marketable in a seriously competitive business. “UVA’s graduate drama program is unique in that it offers its designers an opportunity to design five main-stage productions over the three-year course of study,” he says. “This combined with excellent teaching opportunities, both in the classroom and in production laboratory, offers a well-rounded degree.”

UVA’s Graduate Drama program is turning out high-quality talent like Jeffrey Kmiec who designed the set for Troy is Burning (pictured). (Photo courtesy of UVA Drama Department)

Kmiec, who will be designing for the Arkansas Shakespeare Festival this summer, is in good company as far as employed alumni are concerned. Sara Brown, a 2005 graduate, is a member of the faculty in MIT’s theater department. She has worked for such prestigious companies as Bang on a Can (Evan Ziporyn’s House in Bali presented at October 2010 BAM Next Wave Festival) and with Jay Scheib on World of Wires at The Kitchen in New York. 2002 graduate student Jenny Sawyers won best scenic design at The Kennedy Center College Theater Festival and was hired the next day to be an associate designer for award-winning Broadway set designer Santo Laquasto. Pretty impressive.

“They can really drill down into a discipline in their major,” says UVA drama’s technical director Steve Warner, who oversee’s the scene shop at the school. It doesn’t hurt to have a fat budget and two tricked out theaters—the Culbreth, a traditional proscenium arch style theater and the Helms a versatile black box theatre. (A third, the Caplin, a thrust stage, is currently under construction.) The Culbreth has a new state of the art computerized rigging system making the raising and lowering of “flying” set pieces easier. The Helms has a 16’x16′ trap space under the stage floor which facilitates actors and props entering and exiting from below. Soon a Kuku six access CNC router (Cav-bot), which is paid for by the School of Architecture, will be installed in the Department of Drama’s prop shop for collaborative use. This will allow students to draw things in 3-D on a computer then watch as a robotic arm carves it to scale out of foam facilitating more accurate prop and set execution.

Kmiec sites interdisciplinary work, like working with architecture students to create set pieces, as the magic that makes scenic design a worthy artistic endeavor. “It is in those collaborations—where you can see the idea turn into reality—that for me the real theatre happens,” he says. However the magic happens, in UVA’s theaters, it happens with mind-blowing sets.


ARTS Extra: Phantom of the Follies

Hold on to your top hats and canes all you Gleeks and other lovers of show tunes because Shelly Lee Cole and Ken Ellis are mashing up two of your ab fav composers for their new show, Phantom of the Follies. Oh! you guessed it from the title didn’t you?

Local singing stars Shelley Lee Cole and Ken Ellis, in a program of music from two of Broadway’s legendary composers. (photo by Keri Hensley)

It is all Andrew Lloyd Webber and Stephen Sondheim songs. But to let all the Musical Theatre challenged in on the joke, the title, Phantom of the Follies is derived from Webber’s 1986 Broadway blockbuster, The Phantom of the Opera and Follies Sondheim’s hit show form the 1970’s. The show features a multitude of tunes from each composer’s work including a medley from the highly recognizable, West Side Story and the touching ballad, I Don’t Know How to Love Him from Jesus Christ Superstar.

Cole, whose formal training isin opera and Ellis, who honed his performance skills on the cruise ship circuit, previously produced two similar concerts for Play On!. 2006’s Broadway Delights spot lighted a mixed bag of Broadway composers from different eras while Broadway Now and Then (2009) showcased older music in the first half and newer Broadway tunes in the second. Phantom of the Follies will be the first time the entire focus is on only two relatively contemporary composers.

“We chose Lloyd Webber and Sondheim because they are two of the best known composers of the 20th century and they have a wealth of material to choose from,” says Cole when asked why she and Ellis selected these particular two artists. “But,”she adds,” I think it was mostly because we love singing Lloyd Webber and Sondheim music.” Webber is featured in Act One which includes selections from Phantom of the Opera, Aspects of Love, Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Jesus Christ Superstar and Sunset Boulevard. Act Two is all Sondheim, showcasing songs from Sweeny Todd, Follies, A Little Night Music, Company and Into the Woods.

The show will focus on the music, often presented Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme stye from two black stools front and center with accompanist, Alice Layman stage left on a little side wing. A few costume changes for effect and a minimal amount of choreography by Ellis will utilize the repainted multi level set left over from Play On!‘s recent production of For Colored Girls For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf keep the show visually interesting. Cole says, “There is lots we can do with blocking. It’s a really fun set to work on. In terms of real choreography, Ken will be doing a little soft shoe number to All I Need is the Girl from Gypsy.”

There will be no designed sound in the hour and fifty minute show, “except for the piano, our un-mic’d voices and the sound of applause,” says Cole. Play On! Artistic Director, Alex Citron is designing the lighting to set the mood for the various songs. For those of you who really want to put on the Ritz, there is a champagne meet-and-greet with the actors following the matinee performance on May 20th.

When asked what she enjoys most about putting Phantom of the Follies together, Cole sites the artistic process. “Just being able to collaborate with Ken, we just work so well together.” Or perhaps she means, as Sondheim put it in Sunday in the Park with George, “Work is what you do for others, liebchen. Art is what you do for yourself.”





What’s Up at American Shakespeare Center?

American Shakespeare Center’s Blasphemy Tour is running now through June 17 at the Blackfriars Theatre in Staunton, Va. (Photo by Mike Bailey)


It’s so good it’s almost Blasphemy. 

Spring is a time of homecoming for the American Shakespeare Center. It is the season when the touring company returns to the nest to roost and perform three shows in repertory. This year’s tour, intriguingly titled, “Almost Blasphemy”, consists of two of Shakespeare’s most adored plays, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Winter’s Tale matched with John Ford’s ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore. At first glance, the relationship of these three shows to the tour name and to each other may be difficult to discern.

“We title each tour like a rock band or recording artist usually title their tours,” says ASC Artistic Director, Jim Warren. “We’re trying to get something that relates to all three titles in some way; something that sounds fun to say; something that looks good on posters and t-shirts!”

“Almost Blasphemy” comes from the first scene in ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore where the Friar tells Giovanni:

‘Repentance, son, and sorrow for this sin:
For thou hast moved a Majesty above,
With thy unrangéd almost blasphemy’.”

Touring rookie actor, Eugene Douglas, sees themes of rash decisions with serious repercussions and conflicts between spirituality and earthly delights in this collection of plays. “I see motifs in all three of romantic relationships run amok,” he says. Douglas plays no less than five roles betwixt the three productions and describes the plays thusly, “With Tis Pity, you have a genre bloodbath. With Winter’s Tale, you have a lyrical tragicomedy. With Midsummer, you have magic and romance and slapstick at the forefront. Each play has elements of these things, but are unique in their individual presentations.”

The grouping of plays offers a variety of choices for new patrons as well as for repeat visitors to ASC’s Blackfriars Theatre. Midsummer Night’s Dream, which has been performed several times in the company’s 24-year history, is one of Shakespeare’s most beloved comedies. ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore is a gory, twisted re-imagined version of Romeo and Juliet is rarely performed (this is the second time in ASC’s history). The Winter’s Tale, with it’s half tragedy/ half romantic comedy mash-up provides the perfect middle ground between the other two plays in both tone and popularity.

In order to keep the more oft performed plays fresh for ASC regulars, costuming is a key element. This season is the first time that Midsummer Night’s Dream will be performed in traditional Elizabethan dress. In contrast, the costume influence for ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore is Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs. “The entire look of the show is something akin to ‘steampunk modern meets Alexander McQueen outrageous modern’,” says Warren. “Tis Pity has some outrageous modern costumes because it’s a lot like a Tarantino movie: violent/funny, dramatic/comic, full of smart characters with great dialogue. I also went with modern costumes for ‘Tis Pity so that audiences coming to see all three Spring Season shows get to see three very different flavors of costume styles.”

“I think each of these shows demonstrates a different level of reality,” summarizes Denice Mahler, a Blasphemy Tour actress. “They all, like life, evoke laughter and loss, tears of joy and pain. There’s a catharsis waiting to be had in each one.” Well, if that is blasphemy it sounds pretty entertaining.

For more information go to: or call 1-877-682-4236.



UVA ER nurse draws on performance experience to broaden minds

When Tim Cunningham went to UVA’s Rural Area Medical Clinic in Wise, Virginia, he was reminded of visits he had made to medical clinics as a member of Clowns Without Borders. “It blew my mind how this clinic in the richest country in the world was run like clinics in rural Africa and Asia,” he said. As a capstone project for his nursing degree, Cunningham captured the patients’ experiences via recorded interviews. A few days later he had seven hours of stories and a mission to translate them into a palpable format “to raise awareness of these populations and their struggles of not having health care.” Drawing from his performance experience and a desire to incorporate more creativity into the medical learning environment, Cunningham distilled the recorded interviews into a one-man play.

“Out of Their Way” is currently a one-man show that Cunningham labels, “a work in progress.” It was recently performed at the school of nursing as an introduction to a workshop on effective listening skills for nursing and chaplaincy students. The 85-minute production features impersonations of people Cunningham interviewed at RAM delivering monologues from the collective material. “I interviewed about 30 people and I started hearing repeating themes,” he says. “The majority comes from one particular person and sound bites used from other people I interviewed.”

From a theatrical standpoint there are many problems with the show that detract from the intended message of compassionate care. Cunningham’s clown training peeps through the main fabric of the work at times, distracting the audience from the voices of his characters. He presents an entire monologue on stilts, supposedly to represent a tall person, which serves more in confusing the audience rather than enhancing the show. A newscaster character at the end of the show spouting out multiple facts about the failings of the American health care system is too heavy handed and out of context to the rest of the play, degrading the purity of the RAM patient characters and their words.

Where Cunningham shines is his interpretation of the people he met at RAM as “ He does a really good job of capturing the spirit of people and the challenges they face without insurance,” says Audrey Snyder, Assistant Professor in UVA’s School of Nursing. There are some truly wonderful moments in the production where the stories of this underserved population shines. One line from a character called Ed describes a catch 22 situation for an unemployed minor with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, “Too sick to work but not sick enough to get benefits.” Another character has just had several teeth pulled and is excited because his mouth will shortly be pain free, demonstrating gratitude for a service most of us would find appalling. And perhaps the most poignant and beautiful moment of the piece, is when the audience witnesses Eve’s physical reaction to clear vision after receiving glasses from RAM as she begins to read to her young son–a puppet Cunningham has cleverly constructed out of props used in previous monologues.

What surprised Cunningham most during his interviews were the positive attitudes of the patients. “No one was expressing self pity. People were so grateful.” Although the experience of “Out of Their Way” was a little uncomfortable (like the guy who had his teeth pulled) the overall effect is a positive one.


Character exploration in the round at Live Arts

Anyone who has ever taken an acting class knows that it can be a bit like group therapy. Such is the case in Annie Baker’s play, Circle Mirror Transformation now playing at Live Arts. The plot line rotates around a community center acting class for adults in which four students and an instructor engage in common theater games designed to aid would-be actors in their craft while often revealing personal issues. Baker deftly delivers these revelations in a blackout-sketch narrative style depicting moments extracted from six weeks of a course titled “Adult Creative Acting,” marked by lit titles depicting the week number on the upper back wall of the stage.

The setting for the play is a mirrored workout room in a community center in Shirley, Vermont, beautifully envisioned by set designer Jeff Bushman with thoughtful details such as green and white linoleum tiled floor, a dance bar, and a large painting of the yogic symbol Om along the wall beyond a door in the set—a nod to the self-discovery aspect of the play. The placement of large mirrors along the back wall allows director Ray Nedzel to play with reflection in his blocking, the actor’s expressions captured even while facing away from the house seats.

It is in this mini-gym that five very different people converge. Marty (Geri Schrimer) leadsthe group through a hippy-dippy, touchy-feely course of acting curricula featuring exercises like recreating your childhood bedroom using the other students as inanimate objects. Her students include new to the area Theresa (Kate Adamson), an exhibitionist with previous acting experience; shell-shocked divorcee Schultz (Koli Cutler), who seems to be venturing out into the dating scene via the time-tested method of “taking a class”; and Lauren (Sarah Edwards), a typical apathetic teenager wanting to better her chances at landing the lead role in her high school’s musical. The fourth student, James (John Holdren), is Marty’s husband, seemingly in the course simply to meet the required attendance numbers for the class.

The group never once even glances at a script during the six weeks. Instead they practice greeting, lying on the floor attempting to count to 10 without overlapping voices, creating a story where each person contributes a word sequentially, and (my favorite) personification, where one person tells another person’s life story as though she is that person.

Circle Mirror Transformation
Live Arts, 123 E. Water St.
Through March 24

Part of Baker’s genius is the subtle way she reveals each character’s particular personal issues, weaving reality with pretend to create a tapestry of emotional revelation. Nedzel shows respect for Baker’s art while nurturing his cast’s natural talents to evoke credible performances. In one well-orchestrated scene, the audience learns of Marty and James’ marital stress as the couple portrays Lauren’s parents in an acting exercise. Schrimer and Holdren seamlessly transition their respective characters from play-acting to venting private gripes, demonstrating the emotional interweave that makes the play so poignant.

Another highlight of directing and acting technique is a scene in which Lauren as Teresa, and James as Teresa’s latest ex, play out a fictitious break-up conversation. Teresa becomes so wrapped up in the play-acting that she jumps up and takes over the conversation herself, generating a self-liberating catharsis. Adamson commands this moment and takes the audience into it with her. As she dives in to James for a grateful embrace, the audience smiles in envious empathetic approval.

Circle Mirror Transformation may be a bit self-indulgent to those of us who have endured similar acting classes, but non-theatrical types certainly relate to the personal journey each of these characters takes.


Review: Richard III at Blackfriars

William Shakespeare’s Richard III is the study of how a politician’s over-developed ego drives the dark deeds he executes towards the attainment of high position. The play itself is a tidy piece of propaganda, according to Ralph Cohen, American Shakespeare Center’s director of mission, who described it as a reinforcement of Queen Elizabeth I’s legitimacy aimed at glorifying her grandfather, Henry VII, and vilifying his enemy, Richard III. With the presidential candidates gracing our television monitors on a nightly basis, it’s fun to see Richard stalking the stage, worrying about how to “…seem a saint where I must play the devil.”

From the first monologue, Curns exerts his control over the role, revealing a character who is human in his desire to be loved yet twisted in the methods he uses to pursue it. The cast leads us from one foul deed of deception and murder to another as the noose of insecurity pulls ever tighter around Richard’s neck, but the production notably uses humor to punctuate the play’s darkest moments. Lines like, “My hair doth stand on end,” are funny as delivered by actor Daniel Kennedy, whose head is shaved. The grim comedy in a game of catch played with the bloody bag containing the head of one of Richard’s targets elicited giggles from the crowd. The newest ASC version of the play opens with members of the acting troupe singing an a cappella version of Florence And The Machine’s hit song “Dog Days Are Over,” setting the tone for the peaceable rule of Richard’s brother King Edward IV. Richard, played by Benjamin Curns, then launches into the famous, “Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of York,” soliloquy, in which he exposes all manner of evil plans to usurp the king in such a self-absorbed way that you can’t help but think about today’s politicians.

But the most riotous laughter ensued during a staged offer of the kingship by Buckingham (Rene Thornton, Jr.) to Richard, the usurper. Richard is purportedly at home in pious contemplation when Buckingham rallies a crowd to offer him the crown, following a well-orchestrated discrediting of the rightful heir’s parentage. Richard appears on his balcony flanked by his henchmen, who are posing as priests, and feigns humility. The ruse was so masterfully imitated by the players that the audience was moved to cheer in mock approval of Richard’s acceptance of the crown.

Richard III is littered with treachery: a widow wooed at her husband’s funeral, the murder of two young princes, constantly shifting allegiances. Basically, Richard eats people for breakfast, and his utter disregard for humanity to the end of personal gain is all too familiar. He is the guy you love to hate so much that you can’t help but cheer when he cries out in desperation, “A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse,” as he is slain on the battlefield. His successor is scarcely better—the lesson being that one despot (read: politician) is just as immoral as the next. The best way to view Shakespeare’s plays is through the lens of the moment, and while I’m not counting on Gingrich, Romney, or Obama slaying anyone in the next couple of months, I couldn’t help but think of Cantor’s infamous sneer as I watched Curns bring one of Shakespeare’s greatest villains back to life.