CBIC tech tour exposes 400 area students to technology jobs

PRESS RELEASE: Charlottesville Business Innovation Council–– Thursday, October 13, marks the launching of 2011 Tech Tour, a local event to introduce a record 400 area middle and high school students to the dynamic high technology world that exists in the Charlottesville/Albemarle County metro region.

Sponsored by the Charlottesville Business Innovation Council (CBIC), this day-long technology tour is aimed at exposing students to the challenging and diverse career possibilities offered by our regional technology community. It is designed to help them envision themselves as technology employees, professionals and entrepreneurs in the next wave of tech advancements in our area. 

Students representing 21 regional schools will spend the day traveling to more than 70 selected companies for a hands-on visit to meet employees and experience the use of technology in unique and specialized operations. Students will travel in groups of 15, and be assigned to one of 28 unique and exciting tour schedules. Arrangements can be made for media to follow a tour for the day or join one in progress. 

CBIC is the preeminent private-sector advocate and catalyst for entrepreneurship and technology-based economic development in our region. For more than 15 years, CBIC and its predecessor name, the Virginia Piedmont Technology Council (VPTC), has been fostering an ecosystem for innovation in order to expand the strength and vitality of our local economy and culture. As the voice of the entrepreneurial and high-tech sectors in our region, CBIC collectively supports entrepreneurs and tech-based businesses by providing networking, visibility, promotion, education and advocacy opportunities. These activities expose entrepreneurs, innovators, and researchers to other like-minded individuals and provide opportunities to meet and learn from one another. For more information, visit www.CvilleBIC.org on the web.

Jefferson-Madison library board surveys state candidates

PRESS RELEASE: Jefferson-Madison Regional Library Board–– For the first time in its history, the Board of Trustees of the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library has polled local and statewide political candidates on their experiences with and support for public libraries in advance of a General Election. The answers to questions asked of all 43 candidates in JMRL localities are available on the library system�\’s website (www.jmrl.org) and in printed form at library branches. The idea to poll candidates about library issues was a recommendation of the Library Board�\’s Advocacy Committee.


The Library Board asked no more than two questions of each candidate seeking election to the State Senate, House of Delegates, Boards of Supervisors, or Charlottesville City Council from the JMRL participating localities of Albemarle, Charlottesville, Greene, Louisa and Nelson. All questions were approved by the full Library Board and were tailored to specific funding issues in the General Assembly races and to local library topics in Boards of Supervisors and City Council contests.


Questions were both postal mailed and electronically mailed to candidates with their answers due back by September 23. There was no word limit placed on the candidates, and all candidates were told that their answers would NOT be edited.


The Library Board received on-time replies from 60% of the candidates. Answers to the candidate questions in each election are listed on the JMRL website in the order (by date and time) that they were received.


While the Library Board does not and will not endorse candidates, the Trustees hope that the information will be helpful to voters as they go to the polls on November 8.

Jefferson-Madison Regional Library serves Albemarle, Charlottesville, Greene, Louisa, and Nelson, and is one of the most heavily used public libraries for its size in the United States.


For further information or comment, please contact:

John Halliday, Library Director, halliday@jmrl.org

Tim Tolson, Library Board President, TfjTolson@gmail.com

Gary Grant, Chairman, JMRL Advocacy Committee (978-1825)

UPDATE: Ten Albemarle students hospitalized after bus accident

Press release from Fire Chief Charles Werner: 

Update: After closing McIntire Road to unload injured students and transport them to the hospital, Werner reports that the road has reopened.

Members of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Rescue Squad and Charlottesville Fire Department provide medical treatment for 10 students on an Albemarle County School bus involved in an accident. Ten students are being treated and transported to local hospitals as a precaution. No serious injuries. Bus No. 130.

Accident located on McIntire Rd in front of Albemarle County Office Building.


Larry Sabato and Oliver Stone to host JFK discussion at Virginia Film Festival

PRESS RELEASE: UVa Center for Politics–– Professor Larry Sabato, Director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics, will host a discussion with filmmaker Oliver Stone about his landmark film “JFK” as part of the 2011 Virginia Film Festival. Sabato’s discussion with Stone will follow a special screening of the film scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. on Friday, November 4th at the University’s Culbreth Theatre.

“JFK” tells the story of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, who doubts the official story of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and investigates the crime for himself. The film sparked controversy upon its release in 1991, showing how the JFK assassination and the questions behind it still loom large in American life.

Sabato is completing a new book, “The Kennedy Half-Century,” about the political life and legacy of President Kennedy. It will be released in 2013, the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, by Walker & Company, a division of Bloomsbury Publishing.

The 24th Annual Virginia Film Festival will be held in Charlottesville from November 3rd through November 6th. For tickets and additional information on the Virginia Film Festival, visit http://www.virginiafilmfestival.org/.

Rivanna Trails Foundation announces October cleanup efforts

PRESS RELEASE: Rivanna Trails Foundation–– Between construction of the Meadowcreek Parkway and the seemingly endless sewer replacement project, a number of sections of our beloved Rivanna Trail have been closed all year. Despite that, the dedication of our volunteers and our partnerships with property owners and the City have enabled us to mark detours and rebuild quickly, and the coming months promise both the restoration and continued expansion of our network of trails. The coming year will be–quite literally–one of reconnection.

It is also a time for the Rivanna Trails Foundation to reconnect with our members and supporters. Towards that end, we have a completely new web presence at http://www.rivannatrails.org/. The new site allows us to better communicate news and information about the trails, post news and photos, track registrations for special events, and accept on-line memberships and renewals. Behind the scenes is a new membership database that we’ve assembled from various spreadsheets and email lists, which will allow us to better acknowledge and communicate with our friends (the message sent earlier this week about the postponement of the annual meeting was the first test of the new email capability).
If you’re getting this message, it’s because we already have you–or at least your email address–in our database. Please take a moment to log into our new page and update your contact information or renew your membership. At the bottom-left corner of the page is a “forgot password” link that you can use to generate an initial password.

There are a number of great trail events planned for the next few weeks:

October Work Party: This Saturday, October 8, our monthly work party will finish the rerouting of the trail section immediately north of Hydraulic Road that was begun on the Day of Caring (see the story and photos on the web site). We’ll meet at the RTF Tool Shed, behind the English Inn at 2030 Morton Drive, and make the short walk to the work site.
Loop d’Ville: November 5 is the annual group walk of the entire 19-mile loop. We meet at Riverview Park 6:30 AM, and work our way counter-clockwise around the entire loop. After rest stops at Bodo’s and 5th Street, we usually finish around 2:00 in the afternoon. If you prefer to complete only part of the circuit with the group, that’s okay, too! Please sign up for this event–it helps our planning to know how many people to expect–which you can do on the new web site.
November Work Party: We have an extra-special work party scheduled for November 12, when we will be establishing a new section of the Rivanna Trail loop replacing the long roadwalk along Stribling and Sunset. As part of clearing the new trail, we’ll be building a stream crossing. This will be an exciting opportunity to help create an entirely new link in the Trail!

As always, we value your support and interest in the Rivanna Trails. We look forward to seeing you on the trail!

The RTF Board of Directors

20-year-old arrested in conjunction with Oak Hill Market & Deli robbery

The Albemarle County Police reports the arrest of Patrick T. Gibson, 20 years of age, a resident of the 2700 block of McElroy Drive in the City of Charlottesville.

Just after 2:30am Officer Jay Morris, while on routine patrol duties, observed Gibson fleeing the Oak Hill Market & Deli located at 667 Country Green Road. Gibson had an undisclosed amount of cash and merchandise in his possession. Officer Morris gave chase and subsequently caught Gibson a short distance from the store and arrested him.

Gibson was charged with Breaking & Entering of a Commercial Business at Night, Grand Larceny and Possession of Marijuana. Gibson is being held at the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail without bond.

SARA to host forum at Buford Middle School

PRESS RELEASE:  On October 12th, the Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA) will host a Healthy Relationships Parents’ Forum for parents of Buford Middle School students. This forum is held in conjunction with SARA’s Expect Respect program for students at Buford Middle School, which focuses on developing peer leadership and empathy skills in all Buford athletes. Parents of boys and girls are encouraged to attend!

Topics will include:

Understanding pre-teen flirting and dating culture
Promoting healthy relationships for your son or daughter
Encouraging empathy and social skills for your pre-teen
Talking to your pre-teen about healthy and age-appropriate sexuality


Date: 10/12/2011

Time: 6:30-8pm

Location: Charlottesville Boys and Girls Club next to BMS

FREE Child Care Provided! Dinner Provided!

More info: youth@saracville.org or 434-295-7273 x25

Positive Channels, CALWV host candidates forum

PRESS RELEASE: Positive Channels, with support from the Charlottesville Albemarle League of Women Voters, will host a televised (live on TV10) candidate forum for those running for city council Wednesday, October 5, 6-8 at City Hall. Scott Bandy, Brandon Collins, Bob Fenwick, Kathleen Galvin, Satyendra Huja, DeDe Smith and Andrew Williams will be participating. This forum will focus on the uncomfortable yet important issues. While the parkway and water supply are important issues, so too are poverty, homelessness and the achievement gap, to name a few. Matters pertaining to the African American and Latino communities will also be discussed. The public is invited and there will be time for Q&A.

RideShare Week is October 17-21, 2011

PRESS RELEASE–– RideShare Week is October 17-21. It’s nice to share! Pledge to share the ride during RideShare Week and you are eligible to win great prizes!

To take the RideShare Pledge, visit www.rideshareinfo.org and pledge to share the ride at least one day between October 17th and 21st. Sharing the ride includes carpooling or any alternative to driving alone, like transit, biking, walking or even working from home. If you want to carpool but don’t know how to get started, RideShare can help. Just click “I want to pledge but need to find a carpool match!” on the pledge form. Then register at www.rideshareinfo.org for online carpool matching.

Prize list includes:

· Fuel for your carpool: $25 gas cards

· Fuel for you: Starbucks coffee

· Fuel for your wallet: Visa gift cards!

· RideShare travel packs to hold all your commute stuff

By taking the RideShare Pledge, you could start a good habit that will pay you back all year long. Typically, carpooling will save hundreds of dollars a year in commuting expenses, including gas, oil changes, tires, repairs, and parking fees. Additionally, fewer cars on the road mean cleaner air, less congestion and less noise. We all benefit from a healthier, more pleasant environment.

To kickoff RideShare Week, representatives from RideShare will be at the Zion Crossroads Park & Ride lot on Monday, October 17th from 5:00-6:00 PM and the Waynesboro Park & Ride lot on Tuesday, October 18th from 5:00-6:00 PM to thank commuters for sharing the ride.

About RideShare: RideShare is a program of the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission in cooperation with the Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission, working to reduce traffic congestion and increase mobility throughout Central Virginia and the Central Shenandoah Valley. We offer free carpool and SchoolPool matching, vanpool coordination and a Guaranteed Ride Home program to provide free rides home in an emergency. RideShare also works with employers to develop and implement traffic reduction programs, and we market the region’s Park and Ride lots.

Sierra Club urges input on GWNF plan

Virginia Chapter Sierra Club–– The George Washington National Forest is one of the most importantblocks of public land in Virginia and is used by citizens across the commonwealth. There will likely not be any further comment opportunity for the public to make comments before the Forest Service picks the final plan. The final plan will determine how the George Washington National Forest is managed for the next 10-15 years.

A sample comment letter can be found below.

Mailed comments can be sent to the Forest Service at George Washington Plan Revision; George Washington & Jefferson National Forests; 5162 Valleypointe Parkway; Roanoke, VA 24019.

Electronic comments can be submitted to the following address: comments-southern-georgewashington-jefferson@fs.fed.us .

Comments must be postmarked by October 17, 2011 (if mailed) or received by the Forest Service by midnight Oct. 17, ’11 (if emailed).

See http://vasierraclub.org/2011/06/george-washington-national-forest/
for further details.

Thanks for helping to get the word out.

Sherman Bamford
Chapter Forests Committee Chair

To Maureen Hyzer, Forest Supervisor, and Planning Staff
George Washington & Jefferson National Forests

5162 Valleypointe Parkway

Roanoke, VA 24019

Dear Supervisor Hyzer:

Please consider the following comments while you develop and approve a final plan for the George Washington National Forest plan. 

As you know, the George Washington National Forest is one of the most important collections of federal lands in the greater Chesapeake Bay watershed. It is not only incredibly important for the health of our planet but is also a treasured destination for many in Virginia and the surrounding region.

I applaud you for the ban on horizontal natural gas drilling proposed in Alternative G (the agency’s preferred alternative) and other alternatives, and would like all hydrofracking banned on the Forest.

In addition, I support the stronger forest-wide riparian standards in Alternative G that were developed as part of the Fish and Mussel Conservation Plan. 

Alternative C (the Conservation Alternative) is a well-crafted alternative proposed by Virginia citizens. Alternative C should have gotten the thorough analysis and attention that it deserves, but so far has not. I ask you to incorporate the following aspects of Alternative C into the final plan, regardless of which alternative is chosen.

Please plan for climate change by protecting core wilderness areas, reducing forest fragmentation and decreasing and eliminating non-climate stresses such as logging, road building and oil and gas leasing.

Protect all areas identified in the Virginia’s Mountain Treasures publication to the degree possible by designating them as unsuitable for timber harvest, new road building, and surface-occupying oil and gas drilling

Protect all roadless areas to the greatest extent possible. The Forest Service should identify all qualified roadless areas and protect all roadless areas, whether previously inventoried or recently identified, consistent with the provisions of the 2001 Roadless Rule. 

Designate More Wilderness Areas. Only 4% of the George Washington National Forest is permanently protected Wilderness, far less than the national average of 18%. More wilderness (and national scenic area) acreage should be recommended

Protect all existing Old Growth forest. Of particular importance are the sizeable old growth tracts at Peters Mountain North and Frozen Knob areas identified by the Virginia Division of Natural Heritage. All old growth areas should be designated as being unsuitable for logging and roadbuilding and protected as special areas (old growth protection)

or as research natural areas.

No Natural Gas Leasing and Hydrofracking. The full cycle of natural gas development and hydraulic fracking (or hydrofracking) brings roads, pipelines, and noise to national forest lands and disrupts groundwater. There should be no hydrofracking or federal natural gas leasing in the forest. Strong protective measures should be applied to ensure that privately-owned mineral developments do not destroy other values on the Forest.

I support the Friends of Shenandoah Mountain proposal (www.friendsofshenandoahmountain.org/), which would protect roadless areas in the Shenandoah Mountain, Big Levels, and Laurel Fork areas under a combination of designations, including recommended wilderness and recommended national scenic area designation.

Sincerely yours,

Phone ___________________ Email ____________________


Sherman Bamford
Forests Committee Chair, Virginia Chapter – Sierra Club
PO Box 3102
Roanoke, Va. 24015-1102
(540) 343-6359