
Life of the party

“People blather on about themselves and their petty concerns. Do they ever stop to ask themselves, who is this person listening to my monologue?” This lament spilled from the lips of La Prof, one of Sweet Cakes’ beloved Girlfriends, one whom, though she was not officially employed in the teaching profession, nonetheless managed to stitch much instruction and mentoring into her daily life. To her, Sweet was posing questions about parties, specifically, how to have fun and maintain one’s fetching qualities at a social gathering.

And the friends had already covered the basics: Never give anyone reason to describe you as “sloppy” when it comes to alcohol, even if the spirits have been procured at a charming local wine shop and bear labels with words like Rhone and Gruner Veltliner on them. That a lady never slurs should go without saying, so agreed La Prof and La Cake.

Additionally, dressing to meet the occasion was another basic so well understood between the confidantes, it was dispensed of within minutes. Tiaras are appropriate where ponies and juvenile birthdays are involved; flip-flops (even the ones that reach for sophistication with the addition of a kitten heel) are appropriate never. This the friends knew well. Sparkly earrings catch and cast warm light around one’s face all evening; both understood it best to wear jewel-toned eyeliner to make the most of it.

No, it was not the essentials of comportment and couture that formed the core of Sweet’s questions. Rather, she asked La Prof, what artifice could Sugar-candy employ to make the most of small talk at parties. Were there tricks to bringing out the best in people, conversationally?

La Prof wanted nothing more eagerly than to provide a crib sheet full of clever questions for her darling Sweet, the better to equip her dearest Girlfriend with a party-ready accessory. Alas, La Prof had to confess to Honey-pie, peering over her mauve eyeglass frames, that she had no such easy solution. Indeed, La Prof had been around the world in terms of interlocutions, and yet, as the start of this column suggests, she came each time to the same dreadful conclusion: Most party talk is insufferably dull.

La Prof could dish out the most amusing questions: “What did you do on this, the last day of the year?” “What have you been listening to in your car lately?” “Do you enjoy cooking? Do you have a special dish?” Other guests seemed happy with La Prof’s inventive conversation-starters—happy to talk about themselves, that is. Yet, how terribly rare were those occasions when they volleyed a similar (or even the same) question into the court of their interlocutor!

Still, La Prof was not content to leave her darling Sweet with such a pessimistic answer. Her friend wanted guidance to get out of the party-talk rut, not just more creative details by which to describe it. At last La Prof reckoned some advice for Sweet Cakes: When someone answers your inventive and caring question, listen politely, offer a follow-up query, and then cap the exchange with some gentle direction: “That sounds simply charming,” La Prof urged Sweet to say. “May I tell you what I did today, December 31, 2006? Perhaps you will find my adventure as interesting as I found yours.”

It was a polite pointer, the Girls agreed, and whether its sentiments were entirely true—well, that is a matter the ladies discussed amongst themselves, a conversation that it would be untoward to repeat here.


Seasonal wrap-up

From Sweet to you: a very sincere thanks to everyone who has written or called wondering what ever to get her Sweetness for the impending holiday. A Fendi knock-off handbag, the one with the snaky clasp and the thickly braided strap? A Moleskine day planner for 2007, the one with the cute little elastic that runs lengthwise down the front? Or perhaps a Madonna track suit from H&M?

Dear ones, Sweetie-pie loves every one of you and your spirit of generosity (to say nothing of your excellent taste), but here she must demur: La Cake wants nothing. Strike that—she wants no thing.

Does Sugar hear the newspaper dropping from the reader’s hands? To be fair, she usually leads the parade on Materialism Day, so it may come as a shock to get this news, but darlings, darlings, darlings, it must be said: Sweet has enough stuff! Please give her not so much as one more lip-liner brush, nor a striped cardigan, neither another pot of Nars eye shadow and certainly no more cake platters! (That’s a family joke.)

Sweet anticipates your protests. You want to give. Very good. Your Candy Perfume Girl has a few suggestions for you. While they may not improve anyone’s silhouette, these gift ideas will upgrade your moral and social profile, your dearest narratrix assures you.

Charity, lovelies. Philanthropy. That’s what Sweet is talking about. If you want La Cake to know how much you luff her, show her by donating to a worthy cause, something that, like Sweet, strives to make the world a lovelier, gentler place. (Send her a delicate, perfumed note telling her of your efforts. That’s all the gift she really needs.)

Let’s say you’re artistic—and this is not hard to say as all of Ms. Cake’s friends have what you might call cultural leanings. Please consider giving some cash in your dear friend’s name to the City Center for Contemporary Arts, now in its final fundraising phase. What could be more stylish than being contemporary? Jeez, that’s so convincing that Sweet might just have to write a check herself—and she’ll do it in the names of her devoted readers.

O.K., suppose you want something more do-goodery. The Free Clinic could always use your support. From what Sweet can gather some people go to the doctor for reasons other than elective cosmetic procedures—they need prenatal vitamins or to have their boils lanced or something—and the Free Clinic will take care of them, case closed. Nothing is more attractive than a healthy form, for the love of Miuccia Prada, and accordingly Cookie-baby gives her full endorsement to this cause.

Other ideas? Meals on Wheels, which for decades has been feeding the elderly and housebound just because it’s the right thing to do. How about the Music Resource Center, which keeps kids off the streets and in the recording studios where they belong? There’s always the SPCA, where Fifi gets a fighting chance to go home with a new fashion-conscious family.

See, don’t you feel better already? Well, you certainly look better. Your skin is positively glowing from that magic elixir called Doing the Right Thing.

And Sweet, she feels great, not in the least bit deprived by not getting a big haul of packages. What’s her secret, you wonder? How does Sweet manage to regard the holiday season so unselfishly? That’s easy, pets. She just looks forward to her birthday!
If you want La Cake to know how much you luff her, show her by donating to a worthy cause, something that, like Sweet, strives to make the world a lovelier, gentler place.

Get more information at the following websites:

City Center for Contemporary Arts:

Charlottesville Meals Without Wheels:

Music Resource Center:

Charlottesville SPCA:

Charlottesville Free Clinic: